A) In situ hybridization (ISH) performed on E13.5 embryonal cryo-sections using digoxigenin-labeled RNA antisense (Charme, left panel) or sense (control, right panel) probes against Charme. T, tongue (orange); H, heart (red); S, somites (green). Scale bars, 1mm. (
B) Whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) performed on Charme
WT and Charme
KO intact embryos (E12.5, left panels) and hearts (E15.5, right panels). Signal is specifically detected in heart (H, red line) and somites (S, green line). The specificity of the staining can be appreciated by the complete absence of signals in the Charme
KO samples. Heart (H, red line); Somites (S, green line); A, atria (black line); V, ventricles (yellow line). (
C) Dendrogram showing the relationships between homogeneous clusters. All the informative transcriptome was used to create a hierarchical clustering between homogeneous cell clusters. Colored lines mark which clusters were merged for the final clustering (
D and E). CM, cardiomyocytes; A-CM, atrial-CM; V-CM, ventricular-CM; ISV, interventricular septum; VP, venous pole; OFT, outflow tract; NC, neural crest cell; EP, epicardial cells; FL, fibroblasts-like cells; EC, endothelial cells; SM, smooth muscle cells; HM, hemopoietic myeloid cells; HR, hemopoietic red blood cells. (
D) Seurat (
Stuart et al., 2019) UMAP plot colored by final cell assignments. See ‘Materials and methods’ for details. (
E) Heatmap was generated by Seurat DoHeatmap (
Stuart et al., 2019) and represents, for each cell of the identified subpopulations, the log normalized expression of cell identity markers (listed on the left). Genes used for cell clustering are marked in red. Maximum expression value (red), minimum expression value (light blue). Correspondence between gene markers and cell types is indicated on the left. (
F) In silico analysis of cardiovascular TF binding sites on Charme promoter using the enrichment analysis tool on the ChIP Atlas database (
https://chip-atlas.org/enrichment_analysis) by setting the threshold at 200.