Extended Data Figure 7 |. RBD serum-escape logo plots.
Deep mutational scanning results of serum collected from 4 heterologously immunized mice, 2 weeks after the 3rd dose (Fig. 4d). Each mutation’s “escape fraction” was measured, which ranges from 0 (no cells effect on antibody binding) to 1 (all cells with the mutation have decreased antibody binding). Mouse 4 is not shown in the main text as there were no interpretable peaks in antibody binding to BA.1 libraries for either antibody fraction. Logo plots show the antibody-escape fractions for individual amino-acid mutations at key sites of strong escape. Sites in which BA.1 differs from the WH1 sequence are shown in purple font. All escape scores are shown in Supplemental Spreadsheet 1 and are available online at https://github.com/jbloomlab/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_MAP_OAS/blob/main/results/supp_data/all_raw_data.csv.