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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: AIDS. 2022 Dec 29;37(5):823–835. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003474

Table 1:

Demographic, socio-behavioural and clinical characteristics of participants screened positive for depression or substance use (n=753)

Characteristics N (%)
Total 753 (100)
Age at survey (years) Median = 38, IQR (31–47)
 ≤30 188 (25)
 31–40 239 (32)
 41–50 216 (29)
 >50 110 (15)
 Male 678 (90)
 Female 75 (10)
HIV mode of exposure
 Heterosexual contact 233 (31)
 MSM 406 (54)
 Injecting drug use 13 (2)
 Other/Unknown 101 (13)
Viral load at recruitment (copies/mL) Median = 33, IQR (19–39)
 <50 455 (60)
 50–399 32 (4)
 400–999 3 (0)
 ≥1000 43 (6)
 Not tested 220 (29)
CD4 count at recruitment (cells/μL) Median = 518, IQR (324–725)
 ≤200 63 (8)
 201–350 86 (11)
 351–500 103 (14)
 >500 276 (37)
 Not tested 225 (30)
Current ART
 NRTI+NNRTI 387 (51)
 NRTI+PI 51 (7)
 INSTI 270 (36)
 Other 24 (3)
 None/unknown 21 (3)
Hepatitis B co-infection
 Negative 250 (33)
 Positive 27 (4)
 Not tested 476 (63)
Hepatitis C co-infection
 Negative 343 (46)
 Positive 26 (3)
 Not tested 384 (51)
Prior AIDS Diagnosis
 No 476 (63)
 Yes 176 (23)
 Not reported 101 (13)
House hold income (USD) per month
 ≤$500 184 (14)
 $501-$2000 215 (29)
 >$2000 233 (31)
 Not reported/unknown 121 (16)
 No 159 (21)
 Full time 426 (57)
 Part time 113 (15)
 Not reported/unknown 55 (7)
Highest education level
 No education 3 (0)
 Primary to high school 235 (31)
 College to university 497 (66)
 Not reported/unknown 18 (2)
HIV disclosure status
 Fully 37 (5)
 Partially 538 (71)
 Not disclosed 140 (19)
 Not reported/unknown 38 (5)
Previous stressors
 No 301 (40)
 Yes 399 (53)
 Not reported/unknown 53 (7)
Family history of mental health disorder
 No 637 (85)
 Yes 32 (4)
 Not reported/unknown 84 (11)
 No 302 (40)
 Yes 130 (17)
 Not reported/unknown 321 (43)
Previous mental health disorder
 No 539 (72)
 Yes 61 (8)
 Not reported/unknown 153 (20)
History of STIs in the past 5 years
 No 339 (45)
 Yes 237 (31)
 Not reported/unknown 177 (24)
Year of ART initiation
 <2010 199 (26)
 2010–2012 98 (13)
 2013–2015 160 (21)
 2016–2020 286 (38)
 No ART/unknown 10 (1)
ART adverse events in the previous year
 No 510 (68)
 Yes 80 (11)
 Not reported/unknown 163 (22)
ART adherence in the previous year
 ≥95 479 (64)
 <95 52 (7)
 Not reported/unknown 222 (29)
World Bank country income grouping
 High 292 (39)
 Upper middle and lower middle 461 (61)

Abbreviations: MSM-men who have sex with men; ART-antiretroviral therapy; NRTI-non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTI-non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; PI-protease inhibitors; INSTI-integrase strand transfer inhibitors; STIs-sexually transmitted infections.