Fig. 6. Deletion of Diaph1 in Ldlr−/− mice increases phosphorylated (Ser3)/Cofilin/total Cofilin in liver.
Ldlr −/− and Ldlr−/− Diaph1−/− male mice were fed WD for 16 weeks. a Representative Western Blots for the detection of DIAPH1, phosphorylated (Ser3) Cofilin and total Cofilin, ROCK1, phosphorylated (Thr508) LIMK1 and total LIMK1, phosphorylated (Ser978) SSH1 and total SSH1 on total liver lysates isolated from the indicated mice. b Quantification of DIAPH1 relative to GAPDH. c Quantification of phosphorylated Cofilin (Ser3) relative to total Cofilin. d Quantification of ROCK1 relative to GAPDH. e Quantification of phosphorylated LIMK1 (Thr508) relative to total LIMK1. f Quantification of phosphorylated SSH1 (Ser978) relative to total SSH1. In b–f, the mean ± SEM is reported. The number of independent mice/group is indicated in the figure as individual data points. Statistical analyses regarding testing for the normality of data followed by appropriate statistical analyses were described in Materials and Methods. P-values were determined by unpaired T-test.