Figure 1.
NAV-2729 reduces proliferation of sarcomas, carcinomas, and nontransformed cells with similar potency and efficiency.A, the structure of the small molecule NAV-2729. B, proteins and constructs used in this paper. Domains of each protein are shown (schematics are not to scale). Bolded text indicates proteins or constructs that were recombinantly purified. N-terminal helices are shown for myrArf1, myrArf6, and [L8K]Arf1; the former are myristoylated (shown as lines), whereas [L8K]Arf1 (mutation point shown as red star) is not. When present, His tags used for purification are shown on the proteins’ N- or C-termini; His tags on full-length proteins are shown in parentheses to indicate that they are not normally present in the natural protein sequence. C, effect of Arf GEF inhibitors on proliferation. The effect of NAV-2729, Brefeldin A, Bragsin, SecinH3, or Bragsin2 on relative cell mass was determined using Cell Titer Glo reagent (Promega). Summaries of three (2 for Bragsin2) experiments are shown. Arf, ADP-ribosylation factor; GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor.