Figure 3: Sex differences in neural fMRI whole brain responses to neutral, stress, and drug cue provocation (FWE, p<.05).
Whole-brain voxel-based analysis of sex, condition and sex x condition interaction (p<.05, whole-brain corrected). 3A: After controlling for CTQ and age, a sex main effect in whole brain response indicated overall higher activation in thalamus, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and right caudate in men compared to women. 3B: A significant sex x condition interaction (3B) indicated greater activation in men relative to women for the stress cue brain responses in the caudate, thalamus, hypothalamus, right hippocampus, and left striatum (FWE, p<.05), but no significant sex differences in the neural responses to drug cues and neutral provocation. (See Supplemental Table 2–3 for MNI coordinates).