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. 2023 Feb 17;15(2):e35094. doi: 10.7759/cureus.35094

Table 1. Summary of published case reports on selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs)-induced liver injury.

*Converted value.

Reference ranges are included in parenthesis wherever available; all parameters are in SI units.

Bi: bilirubin; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; GGT: gamma-glutamyl transferase; PC: platelet count; INR: international normalized ratio; NR: not reported

Author  Age and Sex Presentation Agent (duration) Alcohol use Bilirubin (Bi) presentation > Bi peak ALT presentation > ALT peak AST presentation > AST peak ALP presentation > ALP peak GGT on presentation PC on presentation INR on presentation R-ratio RUCAM score Imaging Histology Treatment Prognosis
Flores et al. in 2020 [19] 24-year-old male Jaundice, anorexia, nausea, lethargy, 5 kg weight loss for 5 weeks; 1 week after cessation of agent Ligandrol (9 weeks) Binge drinking once a month 116 µmol/L (2-20) > 116 µmol/L at week 0 4.53 µkat/L*(<0.66*) > 9.78 at 2 weeks 1.84 µkat/L*(<0.66*) > 2.91 µkat/L* at 2 weeks 4.82 µkat/L* (0.5-1.83*) > 4.82 µkat/L* 1.03 µkat/L*(<1.83) 387 x 109 (150-450) 1.0 8.22 7 Liver US - no biliary obstruction NR NR 4 months for enzymes to return to baseline
Flores et al. in 2020 [19] 49-year-old male Jaundice and itching for 5 weeks RAD-140 (intermittently for 4 weeks, 4 months) Insignificant 291 µmol/L (2-20) > 346 µmol/L at 3 weeks, 0.86 µkat/L*(<0.66*) > 2.86 µkat/L* at 8 weeks 0.98 µkat/L*(<0.66*) > 2.04 µkat/L* at 8 weeks 5.45 µkat/L*(0.5-1.83*) > 5.45 µkat/L* at week 0 NR 347 x 109 (150-450 x 109) 1.2 5.0 6 Liver imaging - no biliary obstruction Moderate cholestasis with ductopenia and minimal fibrosis and inflammation Ursodiol, cholestyramine 12 months for enzymes to return to baseline
Barbara et al. in 2020 [20] 32-year-old-male Fatigue, pruritus, and weight loss for 50 days Ligandrol 10 mg daily (2 weeks) NR 41 µmol/L* > 653.22 µmol/L*at Day 46 3.8 µkat/L* > 4.05 µkat/L* on day 26 91 IU/L > 1.51 µkat/L* on day 22 .47 µkat/L*>0.75 µkat/L* at day 54 NR NR 1.1 NR NR Abdominal US and CT - hepatomegaly; MRCP - small hepatic cyst, splenomegaly, no biliary dilatation Cholestatic hepatitis with mild portal, periportal, and perisinusoidal fibrosis; no hyaline globules on PAS diastase stain, 2+ irons staining of hepatocytes NR NR
Koller et al. in 2021 [21] 19-year-old-male Dark urine, yellow sclera, thin light-colored stools, after 3 weeks of PCT Ligandrol once capsule daily (4 weeks, 3 weeks of post-cycle therapy) None 238 µmol/L (3.4-17.1) > NR ALT 2.2 µkat/L (0.2-0.80) > NR NR ALP 1.54 µkat/L (0.67-2.15) > NR 0.41 µkat/L (0.18- 1.02) NR NR 3.9 6 Abdominal US - normal liver and spleen size, no duct dilation Mild septal fibrosis, and canalicular cholestasis in the hepatocytes with numerous biliary plugs. Few necrotic hepatocytes, centrilobular mostly lymphocytic infiltrate, and ductopenia. 1000 mg ursodiol daily for 2 months 3 months for enzymes to return to baseline
Koller et al. in 2021 [21] 28-year-old-male Nausea, fatigue, and jaundice, after 4th dose of PCT Ligandrol (3 months), and Ostarine (3 weeks later ) None 401 µmol/L > NR 2.4 µkat/L > NR NR 1.54 µkat/L > NR NR NR NR 3.3 NR MRI - hepatomegaly without biliary pathology Mild bridging fibrosis, destruction of bile ducts, centrilobular canalicular cholestasis with numerous bile plugs in the canaliculi, phagocytosis hepatocellular apoptosis, and perivenular necrosis 300 mg intravenous N-acetyl cysteine 4 times daily, 1000 mg oral ursodiol daily, and 450 mg silymarin daily NR
Bedi et al. in 2021 [22] Early 40s male Jaundice, anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, diarrhea Ostarine (2 months) None 0.34 µmol/L > 0.735 µmol/L at 4 weeks 1.86 µkat/L* > NR 1.15 µkat/L* > NR 268 U/L > NR 49 U/L  313x 109 1.3 0.8 NR US and CT - negative for duct dilatation, cirrhosis, hepatomegaly, and intraabdominal VTE; MRCP - normal hepatic and biliary anatomy Mild bile ductular reaction with very mild duct damage and minimal inflammation; moderate to severe cholestasis NR Gradual improvement over several months
This study 20-year-old-male Dark urine, light stools, pruritus RAD-140 (4 months) None 427.5 µmol/L* (5.13-20.52) > 533.5 µmol/L* at 7 days 1.66 µkat/L* (0-0.56*) > 2.56 µkat/L* at 28 days 1.18 µkat/*L (0-0.56*) > 1.69 µkat/L* at 28 days 5.38 µkat/L* (0.73-2*) > 7 µkat/L* at 14 days NR NR 0.9 1.5 4 US-biliary sludge; MRCP - mild segmental narrowing involving intrahepatic ducts; ERCP-normal cholangiogram, no signs of PSC, no strictures/narrowing Mixed portal hepatitis, cholestasis, and biliary reactive changes, numerous ceroid-laden macrophages Supportive measures Bi improved from 530 to 188 at 4 weeks after follow-up, clinical progression is still being monitored.