(A) UMAP plot of clusters from cortical pallium and amygdala, annotated by the inferred pallial region. (B) DotPlot showing the expression of key marker genes defining distinct pallial regions. Arrows: genes shown in C-E. (C) Left to right: schematic of a coronal section at mid-telencephalic level, expression of Gad1, marker of the subpallium, and of transcription factors labeling distinct pallial regions along the mediolateral axis. Scale bars: 200 um. (D) Expression of Nts and Etv1 in layers, boxed areas indicate magnifications on the right. Scale bars in right panels: 50 um. (E) Left: schematics of dorsal and lateral surfaces of the salamander telencephalon. Right: dorsal and lateral views of whole-mount immunohistochemistry or HCR stainings for telencephalic markers. Panels show maximum intensity projections of brains after clearing and volumetric light-sheet imaging. Scale bars: 500 um. See methods for specifics on SATB1 antibody. For full list of abbreviations, see Fig. S1; Amy, amygdala; TEGLU, telencephalic glutamatergic.