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. 2023 Mar 6;14:1137059. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1137059

Table 2.

Summary of sampling based on geographic location of origin including the dates of sampling, total number of cats, number of flea infested cats, total number of fleas, median number of fleas per infested cat (and range), and summary of non-Ctenocephalides felis sampled fleas.

Location Date Cats Flea infested cats (%) Fleas collected Median fleas per cat (range) Non-Ctenocephalides felis fleas (number)
Raleigh, NC 04–2022 to 06–2022 57 25 (44%) 36 1 (1–5) N/A
Washington, NC 03–2019 63 11 (17%) 15 1 (1–3) N/A
Orange, VA 12–2020 to 01–2021 41 8 (20%) 15 1.5 (1–4) N/A
Madison, WI 04–2021 to 08–2021 28 9 (32%) 18 1 (1–10) Cediopsylla simplex (4)
Nosopsyllus fasciatus (1)
Orchopeas howardi (1)
Total 189 53 (28%) 84 1 (1–10) N/A

These flea species include Cediopsylla simplex, Nosopsyllus fasciatus, and Orchopeas howardi. N/A indicates that category is not applicable to a given location. Bolded values represent the totals across locations.