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. 2023 Mar 6;14:1137059. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1137059

Table 4.

Summary of the model selected to predict B. clarridgeiae infection in Ctenocephalides felis including only the variables significantly associated with host and flea characteristics and potentially confounding variable (number of fleas per host cat).

Estimate P-value OR (95% CI)
Bartonella clarridgeiae flea infection model
Cat sex Female Ref Ref Ref
Male 1.44 0.032* 4.22 (1.13–15.70)
Cat weight −0.89 0.046* 0.41 (0.17–0.98)
Number of fleas −0.08 0.598 0.92 (0.69–1.24)
Intercept 1.01 0.456 2.73 (0.19–38.42)

This summary includes the estimate, P-value, and odds ratio (95% confidence interval). * indicates significant P-value as alpha = 0.05.