C3 practice effects. (A) C3 score changes from initial to repeat assessments. Colored lines depict scores for an individual subject. Black lines indicate the mean score change for those who declined from initial to repeat assessments (n = 1341) and for those who improved from initial to repeat assessments (n = 2800). (B) Relation between initial performance and practice effects after controlling for age, sex, education, race, and ethnicity. (C) Association between tau and C3 practice effects. Participants were first stratified into 5 quartiles based on initial C3 performance. By examining stratified groups (i.e., restricting the range of baseline values), we removed the negative association between initial performance and practice effects. Associations between tau and C3 practice effects for each stratified group after adjusting for demographic variables were examined (left column). Despite the reduced power in the stratified groups, the beta weights are similar to those calculated from all participants after adjusting for demographics and initial performance (right column). A−, normal amyloid; A+, abnormal amyloid; BPSO, behavioral pattern separation task‐object; C3, computerized cognitive composite; FNAME, Face Name Associative Memory Examination; OCL, One Card Learning.