Frequency of genetic markers in the inner and outer Cμ region positions in recombinantsa
Type of marker | No. of inner Cμ region positions | No. of outer Cμ region positions | Total |
Chromosomal | 15 | 42 | 57 |
Vector borne | 19 | 2 | 21 |
Sectored | 18 | 8 | 26 |
For recombinant 62/1, the marker to the left of the DSB in the outer Cμ region is mutated as explained in the text. With this exception, the marker pattern in this recombinant is consistent with favored junction resolution and a single round of late MMR directed by the DNA end at site a, as indicated in Fig. 6. For completeness, the missing site has been included as a chromosomal marker in this table. Its inclusion here does not change the significance of the chromosomal marker distribution.