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. 2023 Mar 17;14(1):2183454. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2183454

Table 1.

Demographic and work-related characteristics of the participants (N = 220).

  Frequency (%)
Age (years)a  
 18–29 18 (8.2)
 30–39 66 (30.0)
 40–49 62 (28.2)
 50–59 65 (29.5)
 ≥ 60 8 (3.6)
 Refused to answer 1 (0.5)
Female gendera 189 (85.9)
Marital status  
 Single 85 (38.6)
 Married 123 (55.9)
 Separated/divorced/widowed 12 (5.5)
Monthly household income (HK$)  
 ≤ 30,000 8 (5.9)
 30,001–50,000 46 (20.9)
 50,001–70,000 82 (37.3)
 > 70,000 64 (29.1)
 Refused to answer 15 (6.8)
Having a religious affiliation 81 (36.8)
Work mode  
 Full-time 203 (92.3)
 Part-time 17 (7.7)
Years in the profession  
 < 5 14 (6.4)
 6–10 49 (22.3)
 11–15 18 (8.2)
 16–20 18 (8.2)
 > 20 74 (33.6)
 Refused to answer 47 (21.4)
Work settinga  
 Public 152 (69.1)
 Private 31 (14.1)
 Other (e.g. non-governmental organization) 37 (16.8)
Having experience working in the team caring for COVID-19 patients 85 (38.6)
Having a prior diagnosis of COVID-19 72 (32.7)
Having participated in mental health-related workshops/activities 42 (19.1)
Having participated in workshops as a trainee for healthcare workers’ adjustment to work-related crisis situations 24 (10.9)
Professional quality of life  
 Moderate-to-high level of compassion satisfaction (≥ 23) 215 (97.7)
 Moderate-to-high level of secondary traumatic stress (≥ 23) 150 (68.2)
 Moderate-to-high level of burnout (≥ 23) 155 (70.5)

Note: aBased on the recent statistics on the characteristics of registered nurses (Department of Health, 2019), about 86.7% of nurses in Hong Kong were female. The median age of registered nurses was about 43 years old. Most of the registered nurses in Hong Kong worked in public settings (e.g. in hospitals operated by the Hospital Authority) (64.9%), followed by 18% in the private sector, and 16.1% in other settings. The characteristics of the current sample were generally comparable to those of the registered nurse population.