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. 2023 Mar 17;14(1):2180706. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2180706

Table 1.

Sample characteristics for HCWs and PSP.

  HCWs (N = 299) PSP (N = 199) t/X2 p
Age (%)        
 20–29 years old 16.1 21.6 6.64 .249
 30–39 years old 33.1 37.7    
 40–49 years old 29.1 23.6    
 50–59 years old 15.7 13.6    
 60–69 years old 5.4 3.5    
 70–79 years old 0.7 0    
Sex (% Female) 91.6% 39.7% 154.49 <.001
Race (%)
 African/Caribbean 0.02 0 6.69 .010
 Caucasian 86.6 94.4    
 East Asian 0.03 0.005    
 Indigenous 0.02 0.03    
 Latin American 0 0.01    
 Pacific Islander 0 0    
 South East Asian 0.02 0.01    
 Other 0.05 0.01    
Education (%)
 Completed some college 2.3 10.1 119.68 <.001
 Completed college diploma 18.7 50.8    
 Completed some university 5.7 12.1    
 Completed Bachelor's university degree 45.2 24.6    
 Completed Master's/Graduate degree 21.4 1.0    
 Completed Doctoral degree 5.4 0    
 Other 1.3 1.5    
Childhood Adversity 3.11 (2.44) 2.76 (2.42) 1.614 .107
Psychiatric Symptoms
 Depression 14.45 (9.22) 13.13 (9.33) 1.56 .120
 Anxiety 10.37 (7.30) 8.33 (7.07) 3.10 .002
 Stress 18.73 (7.89) 16.69 (8.52) 2.74 .006
 Provisional PTSD Diagnosis (%) 28.% 30% .234 .629
Global PTSD Severity (PCL-5) 28.43 (15.27) 27.20 (17.26) .819 .413
 Intrusions 6.94 (4.27) 6.20 (4.57) 1.87 .062
 Avoidance 3.10 (2.15) 2.72 (2.23) 1.93 .055
 NACM 10.27 (6.05) 9.155 (6.58) 1.95 .052
 Reactivity 8.12 (4.48) 9.13 (5.60) −2.14 .033
Substance Use Symptoms
 Alcohol Related Problems (AUDIT) 3.92 (3.15) 6.16 (4.86) −5.74 <.001
 Substance Related Problems (DUDIT) 2.26 (3.45) 2.25 (2.98) .045 .964
Cognitive and Emotional Variables
Dissociative Symptoms (MDI)
 Depersonalization 7.93 (2.86) 7.74 (3.05) .721 .471
 Derealization 7.97 (2.76) 8.18 (2.99) −.723 .470
 Memory Disturbance 8.08 (2.71) 9.14 (3.64) −3.49 <.001
 Disengagement 11.94 (3.26) 12.05 (4.15) −.291 .771
 Emotional Constriction 9.70 (4.02) 10.53 (4.63) −2.07 .040
 Identity Dissociation 5.51 (1.10) 5.83 (1.55) −2.49 .013
Emotion Dysregulation (DERS) 82.55 (19.69) 86.61 (20.73) −2.21 .027
 Non-Acceptance of Emotional Responses 13.92 (4.99) 14.85 (5.41) −1.97 .049
 Difficulty with Goal-Directed Behaviour 14.09 (4.17) 13.95 (4.21) .375 .708
 Impulse Control Difficulties 10.74 (3.87) 11.01 (3.84) −.766 .444
 Lack of Emotional Awareness 15.72 (4.30) 17.65 (5.14) −4.37 <.001
 Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies 17.28 (6.06) 17.65 (5.89) −.683 .495
 Lack of Emotional Clarity 10.80 (3.29) 11.51 (3.59) −2.28 .023

Note. All values reported are means (standard deviations) except for age, sex, race, education, and provisional posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis where percentages are displayed. For age, sex, race, education, and provisional PTSD diagnosis, Chi-square tests were used to evaluate group differences; all other variables used independent samples t-tests. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress variables are based on subscales of the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale-21. Provisional PTSD Diagnosis was based on a cut-off score of 33+ on Posttraumatic Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). Global PTSD Severity is based on the sum score on PCL-5.