Fig. 7. Decoding the RGB EDCC layering of the laminated POC CSI security tag.
Images of the POC CSI security tag (λexc = 365 nm) using various colour and time resolution filtered CPLP. A–C Total emission under steady state illumination using a (A) LP390 nm (B) LP495 nm and (C) LP570 nm filter. D Time-resolved image (td = 20 µs) using a LP570 nm. E L-R EDCC image using a BP594/10 nm filter demonstrating clear CPL based emission for Δ-Eu:L1 whilst (F) R-L shows clear CPL based emission for Λ-Eu:L1. Numbers in red are avg. 8-bit pixel intensity values for each image region, tacq = 70–700 ms, 10 avg. image, 1−100 total image accumulation. Scale bar = 2 mm.