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. 2023 Mar 7;14:1083969. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1083969


Model fit statistics for each of the SEM models performed.

Model χ2 statistic df p-value AIC CFI SRMR
Common factor model (10 indicators) 794.66 35 2.59 × 10−144 834.66 0.753 0.127
Correlated two-factor model (10 indicators) 742.48 34 3.84 × 10−134 784.48 0.770 0.119
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
 One-factor solution (6 indicators) 51.31 8 2.28 × 10−8 77.31 0.964 0.086
 Two-factor solution (5 indicators) 32.97 5 3.82 × 10−6 52.97 0.965 0.086
 Three-factor solution (7 indicators) Model did not converge
Revised common factor model (6 indicators) 47.19 7 5.11 × 10−8 75.19 0.954 0.083

χ2—chi-squared statistic, df—degrees of freedom, AIC, Akaike’s Information Criterion, CFI, Comparative Fit Index, SRMR, standardised root mean squared residual. Good fit is indicated by CFI >0.90 and SRMR <0.85.