a, Illustration of the knockout and labeling strategy for PyN and ChCs. PyNs are electroporated at E15.5 using plasmids to express Cas9 and 3X sgRNA-smFP (HA tag) to delete expression on Cntn1. ChCs are labeled by expression of red fluorescent protein (RFP) using inducible Cre (CreER) in Nkx2.1-CreER mice at E18.5. b, Illustration of ChC (red) innervation of PyN (blue/green) AIS. c, Representative images of PyNs innervated at their AIS by ChC cartridges (red) in layer II of the Ogawa, Lim et al. somatosensory cortex from Nkx2.1-CreER;Ai9 mice co-electroporated at E15.5 with a plasmid expressing Cas9 and a plasmid expressing smFP-HA and a control sgRNA or Cntn1 sgRNA; mice were sacrificed at P17. AISs and PyNs are visualized by immunostaining for β4 spectrin (blue) and HA (green), respectively. Stars in C indicate HA+ PyNs and arrows indicate ChC innervation of PyN AISs. Arrowheads in C indicate AIS of transfected with Cntn1 sgRNA and that lack innervation by ChC cartridges. Scale bar, 10 μm. d, Quantification of the percentage of HA+ PyNs innervated by single RFP+ ChCs at P17. 12 ChCs and 15–66 HA+ PyNs per ChC from 3 animals were analyzed for each condition. Data are mean ± SEM. e, f, Representative images of HA+ PyN AISs from Nkx2.1-CreER;Ai9 mice electroporated at E15.5 with plasmids indicated in (a) and sacrificed at P17. Inhibitory synapses are visualized by immunostaining for the GABAergic postsynaptic marker gephyrin (Gphn; red; e) or the GABAergic presynaptic marker VGAT (red; g). AISs (blue) are visualized by immunostaining for AnkG in e and β4 spectrin in g. Scale bars, 2 μm. f, h, Quantification of the average number of gephyrin (f) or VGAT (h) puncta per μm of HA+ PyN AIS at P17. 23–40 AISs from 4 fields of view from 3 animals were analyzed for each condition. Data are mean ± SEM.