Components and distribution of the risk mitigation strategy (RiMS) score.
(A) Components of the RiMS score include the following:
1) physical protective equipment (PPE) that is protective to the patient
and the dental health care worker (fitted for N95, use of N95, face
shields, head covering, gowns, shoe covering—all or most of the time;
maximum score, 12), 2) physical distancing (PD; reduced occupancy,
directional flow of traffic, donning of masks, minimal waiting room
crowding; maximum score, 4); and 3) environmental disinfection (ED;
suction, air filtration, surface wiping, ultraviolet; maximum score, 4).
(B) Distribution of RiMS scores based on survey data
from 475 dental health care workers. Data follow a near-normal
distribution based on the 3 domains of the RiMS score (mean [SD], 10.9
[2.9]; range, 0-19).