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. 2023 Mar 7;16:1013117. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1013117


A gold standard for aesthetic chills: the top 10 validated videos from our study, including the top three for each category (film, music, and speech).

Video title Type Video description Average chills reported
Jurassic World Movie The final battle between Indominus Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Velociraptors as it appeared in the movie “Jurassic World” (2015). 3.90
The Hunger Games Movie Fan made video of “The Hanging Tree” from the score of “The Hunger Games.” The music was composed by James Newton Howard. 4.18
Naruto Movie An important battle in the widely popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. 2.90
Miserere Music Allegri’s Miserere is written for two choirs, who alternate phrases and then unite for a final resolution. 2.60
Dream Speech A medley of motivational speeches by speakers such as Les Brown, Eric Thomas, and Will Smith. 3.00
Dropout Wisdom Speech A speech by Dr. Rick Rigsby about lessons learned from his father. 3.10
Interstellar Movie Fan made video with Interstellar’s Hans Zimmer theme. Chills occur at the line “Because my dad promised me.” 3.20
Unbroken Speech Fan made video with motivational speeches by Les Brown, Eric Brown, and Steve Jobs. 2.50
Disney Heroes Movie Fan made video of Disney heroes singing in their native languages, with medley images of their stories. 3.90
Giving Movie “Giving” is a 3 min Thai TV commercial by TrueMove mobile company. Concept by Panu Meepaibul. 3.06

All stimuli have a probability ≥ 0.8 to elicit chills in a US population (from Schoeller et al., 2022a).