Table 2.
The list of features used to generate classification models for differentiation of irreversible and reversible electroporation zones.
T1w | T2w | T1w1+T2w2 | |
Region-based Features | Busyness (NGTDM) | HGL ZE (GLSZM) | LGL ZE (GLSZM1) |
Autocorrelation (GLCM) | Third moment (FOS) | SR LGL emphasis (GLRLM1) | |
SR LGL emphasis (GLRLM) | Zone-size variance (GLSZM) | SZ emphasis (GLSZM1) | |
GL nonuniformity (GLSZM) | Busyness (NGTDM) | Third moment (FOS1) | |
Voxelwise Features | SD (FOS) | LGL RE (GLRLM) | LGL RE (GLRLM1) |
LGL RE (GLRLM) | Variance (GLCM) | GL nonuniformity (GLRLM1) | |
Mean (FOS) | Entropy (FOS) | Variance (GLCM1) | |
LR LGL emphasis (GLRLM) | GL nonuniformity (GLSZM) | SZ LGL emphasis (GLSZM1) | |
Features: Gray-level (GL), high gray-level (HGL), low gray-level (LGL), Long run (LR), run emphasis (RE), run percentage (RP), Short-run (SR), small zone (SZ), standard deviation (SD), zone emphasis (ZE)
Classes: First order statistics (FOS), gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), gray-level run-length matrix (GLRLM), gray-level size-zone matrix (GLSZM), neighborhood grey tone difference matrix (NGTDM).
Note Superscript highlights image that was used to compute specific feature.