(a–d) Temporal evolution of second inflammatory signal, c, cell population, ρ, wound fibrin content, , and mechanical parameter for either considered constitutive link. These quantities do not depend explicitly on ϕc, hence we report them only once. (e–g) Temporal evolution of tissue collagen content, ϕc, mechanical parameter , and wound area change resulting from assuming that k1 is proportional to ϕc. (h–j) Temporal evolution of collagen crosslinking, ξc, mechanical parameter , and wound area change resulting from assuming that k1 depends nonlinearly on ϕc via ξc. Dots and error bars in (a,b,e,g,j): mean ± standard deviation of previously-published experimental data, cf.
S1 Appendix and Ref. [10]. Dots in (d,f,i): values of and obtained from Bayesian calibration, cf.
Fig 4.