Figure 2. Characterization of CW008-treated mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) CM.
The double asterisk indicated p<0.01. CN = control, CW = CW008, CM = conditioned medium, Cas = caspase 3, exo = exosome, MTX = methotrexate, DOX = doxorubicin, and CIS = cisplatin. (A and B) Additive MTT-based anti-tumor effect of CW008-treated MSC CM with methotrexate, doxorubicin, and cisplatin in TT2 and U2OS cells, respectively. (C) Reduction of p-Src and Snail and elevation of cleaved caspase 3 in TT2 OS cells by CW008-treated MSC CM for 2 days. (D and E) No significant change of MTT-based viability by the nuclease treatment (n=5) and ultracentrifugation for exosome removal (n=6), respectively, of CW008-treated MSC CM. (F) Variable tumor-suppressing capability of the size-fractionated CW008-treated bone marrow-derived MSC CM (CW-MSC CM) portion. (n=5). The protein size in kD on the X-axis indicates the cutoff size. For instance, the bar for 100 kD indicates the MTT value for the fraction that includes proteins larger than 100 kD. (Error bars indicate standard deviation.)