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. 2023 Mar 8;14:1117188. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1117188

Table 1.

Ultrasound stimulation in epilepsy.

Refs. Experimental animals Brain targets Protocol of ultrasound stimulation Efficacy
Animal Research
Min et al. (53) Male SD rat PTZ-induced acute epilepsy Group 1: PTZ with FUS sonication Group 2: PTZ without FUS sonication Group3: giving FUS sonication without PTZ The thalamus FF: 690 kHz TBD: 0.5 ms PRF: 100 Hz Ispta: 100 mW/cm2 acoustic focus:3.5 mm in diameter and 6.2 mm in length Deliver twice for 3 min each (1) The occurrence of epileptic EEG bursts significantly decreased. (2) After FUS, there is less severe epileptic behavior. (3) FUS did not cause any damage to the brain tissue.
Hakimova et al. (65) Male C57BL/6 mice (5–6 weeks old) KA-induced mesial TLE Hippocampus FF: 0.2 MHz PRF: 0.5 kHz TBD:1 ms SD: 30 s 200 acoustic cycles (1) Ultrasound stimulation reduced the number of seizures in the chronic period of epilepsy. (2) It improved sociability and depressive behaviors in KA model mice.
Li et al. (67) Male C57BL/6 mice Group 1: KA group Group 2: KA + low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation Group 3: KA + low-intensity continuous ultrasound stimulation Hippocampus FF: 500 kHz PRF: 500 Hz DC: 50 % SD: 30 s The acoustic pressure: 0.26 MP The diameter of the hole at the bottom of the conical collimator was 2 mm. (1) The intensity of the power spectrum in the low frequency (<10 Hz) was significantly decreased. (2) The phase-amplitude coupling strengths between slow and fast neural oscillations were weakened. (3) The interval between seizures was significantly increased.
Lin et al. (57) Monkeys Penicillin-induced epilepsy model Group 1: penicillin + sham Group 2: penicillin + ultrasound stimulation The right frontal lobe FF: 750 kHz PRF: 1 kHz TBD: 300 us SD: 200 ms ISI: 5 s Isppa:2.02 W/cm2 The acoustic pressure: 0.35 MPa (1) Ultrasound stimulation reduces epileptiform activities and behavioral seizures. (2) Ultrasound stimulation activates the interneurons to increase the inhibitory synaptic inputs.
Refs. Patient characteristic Brain targets Protocol of ultrasound stimulation Efficacy
Clinical research
Abe et al. (71) A 36-year-old woman with complex partial seizures without automatism Hippocampus 650 kHz phased array transducer 10–20s long sonication sessions The final temperature of the target reached 48 °C, and the actual delivered energy was 20757 J. (1)The patient remained almost seizure-free for up to 12 months. (2) Ultrasound stimulation did not cause any damage to the brain tissue.
Brinker et al. (72) A 26-year-old female with temporal lobe epilepsy Hippocampus FF: 548 kHz PRF: 500 Hz SD: 0.5 s ISI: 7 s DC: 36–50% Ispta: 2.25 W/cm2 The acoustic pressure: 0.32 MPa There were no adverse events.

FF, Fundamental frequency; PRF, the pulse repetition frequency; SD, sonication duration; ISI, inter-stimulus interval; TBD, tone-burst duration; DC, duty cycle; Isppa, the spatial peak pulse mean intensity; Ispta: the spatial peak temporal mean intensity.