Figure 3. Heterogeneity of Treatment Effect Evaluation by Risk-Based Analysis.
CrI indicates credible interval; OR, odds ratio. Risk-based heterogeneity of treatment effect for organ support–free days is shown by risk deciles (ranging from lowest, group 1, to highest, group 10). All patients in risk groups 8 through 10 required respiratory organ support at baseline vs 2 of 1992 (0.1%) patients in risk groups 1 through 6 (see eTable 2 in Supplement 1). Clinical benefit was deemed substantially more probable than not (posterior probability of an OR >1 above 80%) in risk groups 1 through 6. A similar pattern was observed for hospital survival, although the posterior probability of benefit from heparin was lower for hospital survival vs organ support–free days.
aPosterior probability of an OR greater than 1.