Fig. 2.
(A) Example correlation plots for 2 bundles (superior longitudinal fasciculus II and left inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus) showing the association between mean FA and total TALD score. (B) TBSS results. Significant association between SP TALD sub-score severity and MD (red [in print: dark grey], TFCE FWE P = .045, 5000 simulations) and at trend level FA (green [in print: light grey], TFCE FWE P = .09) when controlling for age, medication (OLZ eq), TIV, and the other sub-scores. Blue = Skeleton. TALD, Thought and Language Disorder scale; SP, subjective positive; MD, mean diffusivity; TBSS, Tract-Based Spatial Statistics; OLZ eq, olanzapine equivalents..