Fig. 8.
Receptor-ligand interaction between PD1 + T cells and PD-L1 + macrophages and tumor cells. (A–C) t-SNE plot showing original ductal cell clusters A renamed ductal cell subpopulations (B), specimens derived information in PDAC (C). Each dot represented one cell, and cell types were coded with different colors. D Heatmap showing large-scale CNV profile of each ducal cell cluster. Blue and red colors represented low and high CNV levels, separately. Both macrophages and T cells were used as reference cells. E Box plots were used to compare the CNV scores of distinct ductal cell clusters. White box represented reference cell clusters. F Violin plots showing the normalized expression levels of tumor marker genes among these ductal cell clusters. The expression of KRT19 was the common marker of ductal cells. G Chord diagram showing the receptor-ligand pairs among PD1 + T cells and PD-L1 + macrophages and tumor cells, which were classified into four categories, including growth factors, cytokines, immune checkpoints, and others. Connection graph in the left panel showing the intensity of interactions between two main cell clusters in colored circles. Total counts of ligand-receptor pairs are counted