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. 2023 Mar 22;131(3):037012. doi: 10.1289/EHP10757

Table 2.

Effects of infrasound and traffic noise on outcome measures in 37 participants in the in the laboratory-based three-arm crossover study of 72 h of exposure to simulated wind turbine infrasound, sham infrasound, and traffic noise (n=37).

Variable Units of measurement Sham mean±SEM; actual/potential obs Infrasound mean±SEM; actual/potential obs Traffic mean±SEM; actual/potential obs Difference (95% CI), p-value infrasound vs. sham Difference (95% CI), p-value traffic vs. sham
Wake after sleep onset Min 24.49±3.17; 107/111 23.13±3.16; 108/111 30.56±3.21; 101/111 1.36 (6.60, 3.88), 0.601 6.07 (0.75, 11.39), 0.02
Electrophysiological measurements of sleep (secondary outcomes)
 Sleep onset latency Min 10.75±2.3; 107/111 13.22±2.2; 108/111 13.76±2.3; 101/111 2.48 (2.87, 7.82), 0.36 3.0 (2.4, 8.4), 0.27
 Arousal index Events/h 8.79±0.58; 107/111 9.08±0.58; 108/111 9.13±0.59; 101/111 0.29 (0.58, 1.16), 0.51 0.34 (0.54, 1.21), 0.45
 Sleep stage % Wake % of TST 8.7±0.9; 107/111 8.6±0.9; 108/111 10.0±0.9; 101/111 0.1 (1.7, 1.6), 0.95 1.3 (0.3, 3.0), 0.11
 Sleep stage % N1 % of TST 6.3±0.4; 107/111 6.5±0.4; 108/111 6.9±0.4; 101/111 0.2 (0.3, 0.7), 0.49 0.6 (0.1, 1.1), 0.015
 Sleep stage % N2 % of TST 40.6±1.0; 107/111 39.4±1.0; 108/111 41.6±1.0; 101/111 1.2 (3.0, 0.6), 0.21 1.0 (0.8, 2.9), 0.28
 Sleep stage % N3 % of TST 23.1±0.8; 107/111 22.4±0.8; 108/111 20.8±0.8; 101/111 0.7 (1.9, 0.4), 0.21 2.4 (3.5, 1.2), 0.0001
 Sleep stage % REM % of TST 21.3±0.6; 107/111 22.8±0.6; 108/111 20.8±0.6; 101/111 1.5 (0.3, 2.7), 0.017 0.5 (1.7, 0.7), 0.42
 Sleep stage shifts Count 119.7±4.8; 107/111 116.2±4.8; 108/111 123.9±4.8; 101/111 3.5 (9.5, 2.4), 0.24 4.2 (1.8, 10.2), 0.17
 Delta power—NREM μV2 481.68±35.85; 106/111 487.28±35.81; 107/111 467.10±36.02; 100/111 5.61 (27.04, 38.25), 0.74 14.58 (47.67, 18.52), 0.39
 Theta power—NREM μV2 42.61±2.53; 105/111 41.93±2.53; 107/111 41.99±2.53; 100/111 0.68 (2.36, 0.99), 0.42 0.62 (2.31, 1.08), 0.47
 Alpha power—NREM μV2 20.47±1.18; 105/111 20.54±1.18; 107/111 20.04±1.18; 100/111 0.07 (0.82, 0.96), 0.87 0.43 (1.33, 0.47), 0.35
 Sigma power—NREM μV2 12.55±1.11; 105/111 12.40±1.11; 107/111 12.54±1.12; 100/111 0.16 (0.75, 0.44), 0.60 0.01 (0.61, 0.59), 0.97
 Beta power—NREM μV2 10.95±1.10; 105/111 8.99±1.09; 107/111 11.06±1.13; 100/111 1.96 (4.92, 1.01), 0.20 0.11 (2.90, 3.12), 0.94
 Delta power—REM μV2 113.28±6.79; 105/111 118.20±6.75; 107/111 109.07±6.91; 99/111 4.92 (6.17, 16.02), 0.38 4.21 (15.57, 7.14), 0.47
 Theta power—REM μV2 25.74±1.78; 105/111 25.74±1.78; 107/111 25.14±1.78; 99/111 0.00 (1.14, 1.15), 1.00 0.60 (1.76, 0.57), 0.31
 Alpha power—REM μV2 11.32±0.68; 105/111 11.28±0.68; 107/111 11.08±0.68; 99/111 0.04 (0.54, 0.46), 0.87 0.24 (0.75, 0.26), 0.34
 Sigma power—REM μV2 3.82±0.24; 105/111 3.90±0.24; 107/111 3.51±0.24; 99/111 0.08 (0.31, 0.47), 0.69 0.31 (0.71, 0.08), 0.12
 Beta power—REM μV2 9.57±0.92; 105/111 9.91±0.90; 107/111 10.29±0.93; 99/111 0.34 (1.89, 2.57), 0.77 0.72 (1.56, 3.00), 0.54
 Spindles in NREM Count 723.0±57.5; 106/111 711.6±57.5; 107/111 725.4±57.7; 101/111 11.5 (53.9, 31.0), 0.60 2.4 (40.5, 45.3), 0.91
 Average Spindle density in NREM Count/min 2.43±0.19; 106/111 2.43±0.19; 107/111 2.45±0.19; 101/111 0.01 (0.12, 0.14), 0.91 0.03 (0.10, 0.16), 0.69
 Average fast spindle density in NREM Count/min 1.45±0.17; 106/111 1.46±0.17; 107/111 1.47±0.17; 101/111 0.02 (0.09, 0.12), 0.73 0.03 (0.08, 0.13), 0.59
 Average slow spindle density in NREM Count/min 0.98±0.14; 106/111 0.97±0.14; 107/111 0.98±0.14; 101/111 0.01 (0.10, 0.08), 0.81 0.00 (0.10, 0.09), 0.96
Cardiovascular measurements
 Pulse transit time ms 67.7±2.1; 33/37 65.9±2.1; 36/37 67.7±2.2; 30/37 1.8 (6.1, 2.5), 0.41 0.0 (4.5, 4.5), 0.99
 Pulse wave velocity m/s 7.55±0.35; 33/37 8.05±0.34; 36/37 7.41±0.37; 30/37 0.50 (0.26, 1.25), 0.20 0.14 (0.93, 0.66), 0.73
 Reactive hyperemia (endothelial function test) Index 0.78±0.10; 35/37 1.78±0.10; 32/37 1.70±0.10; 33/37 0.00 (0.24, 0.24), 0.97 0.08 (0.32, 0.16), 0.51
 Blood pressure—systolic (24-h) mmHg 113.9±1.8; 1,212/1,850 111.9±1.8; 1,246/1,850 112.6±1.8; 1,196/1,850 2.1 (2.9, 1.2), <0.0001 1.4 ( 2.2, 0.5), 0.002
 Blood pressure—diastolic (24-h) mmHg 66.5±1.3; 1,212/1,850 65.8±1.3; 1,246/1,850 66.0±1.3; 1,196/1,850 0.6 (1.3, 0.1), 0.07 0.5 (1.2, 0.3), 0.19
 Heart rate bpm 67.1±1.3; 1,212/1,850 67.1±1.3; 1,246/1,850 66.4±1.3; 1,196/1,850 0.1 (0.6, 0.7), 0.80 0.6 (1.3, 0.1), 0.07
Blood and urine measurements
 Serum cortisol nmol/L 413±30; 28/37 391±32; 23/37 382±30; 28/37 23 (74, 28), 0.38 31 (80, 17), 0.20
 Glucose mmol/L 4.9±0.1; 28/37 4.9±0.1; 24/37 4.9±0.1; 29/37 0.0 (0.1, 0.1), 0.88 0.0 (0.1, 0.1), 0.88
 Insulin mU/L 9.5±1.0; 28/37 7.7±1.0; 24/37 10.0±1.0; 29/37 1.7 (3.3, 0.2), 0.025 0.6 (0.9, 2.0), 0.44
 HsCRP mg/L 2.1±0.6; 27/37 1.9±0.7; 20/37 2.1±0.6; 25/37 0.1 (1.7, 1.4), 0.87 0.1 (1.4, 1.5). 0.93
 Urinary creatinine mmol/24 h 11.3±0.7; 31/37 11.6±0.7; 32/37 11.3±0.7; 32/37 0.3 (0.8, 1.4), 0.54 0.0 (1.0, 1.1), 0.95
 Urinary noradrenaline (adjusted)a nmol/24 h/creatinine 19.3±2.2; 31/37 19.4±2.2; 32/37 23.4±2.2; 32/37 0.1 (4.3, 4.4), 0.98 4.1 (0.2, 8.4), 0.06
 Urinary adrenaline (adjusted)a nmol/24 h/creatinine 3.8±0.3; 31/37 3.7±0.3; 32/37 4.0±0.3; 32/37 0.1 (0.8, 0.6), 0.81 0.2 (0.5, 0.9), 0.49
 Urinary dopamine (adjusted)a nmol/24 h/creatinine 151.4±10.8; 31/37 160.2±10.8; 32/37 160.1±10.8; 32/37 8.8 (7.3, 25.0), 0.28 8.7 (7.2, 24.7), 0.28
Electrophysiological measurements of wake (derived from the Karolinska Drowsiness Test)
 Eyes open—delta μV2 53.53±4.35; 392/444 58.51±4.32; 403/444 64.34±4.42; 379/444 4.98 (3.62, 13.58), 0.26 10.81 (2.06, 19.55), 0.016
 Eyes open—theta μV2 21.61±2.48; 392/444 22.50±2.47; 403/444 22.68±2.48; 379/444 0.89 (0.16, 1.94), 0.095 1.07 (0.01, 2.13), 0.048
 Eyes open—alpha μV2 24.97±2.93; 392/444 24.57±2.93; 403/444 24.48±2.94; 379/444 0.41 (1.44, 0.63), 0.44 0.50 (1.55, 0.55), 0.35
 Eyes open—sigma μV2 6.10±0.59; 392/444 6.05±0.59; 403/444 5.91±0.59; 379/444 0.04 (0.25, 0.17), 0.69 0.18 (0.40, 0.03), 0.09
 Eyes open—beta μV2 18.12±1.31; 392/444 18.09±1.30; 403/444 16.44±1.31; 379/444 0.02 (1.33, 1.29), 0.97 1.67 (3.00, 0.34), 0.014
 Eyes closed—delta μV2 49.04±5.63; 391/444 59.28±5.56; 403/444 50.96±5.74; 378/444 10.24 (2.46, 22.95), 0.11 1.93 (11.01, 14.86), 0.77
 Eyes closed—theta μV2 26.71±3.03; 391/444 28.10±3.03; 403/444 27.27±3.04; 378/444 1.39 (0.61, 3.39), 0.17 0.56 (1.47, 2.59), 0.59
 Eyes closed—alpha μV2 45.36±4.62; 391/444 43.36±4.62; 403/444 44.33±4.63; 378/444 2.00 (3.95, 0.04), 0.045 1.03 (3.01, 0.96), 0.31
 Eyes closed—sigma μV2 6.93±0.64; 391/444 6.99±0.64; 403/444 6.79±0.64; 378/444 0.07 (0.22, 0.35), 0.65 0.14 (0.43, 0.15), 0.33
 Eyes closed—beta μV2 19.54±1.36; 391/444 19.87±1.36; 403/444 18.43±1.37; 378/444 0.33 (1.13, 1.78), 0.66 1.11 (2.59, 0.37), 0.14
Affective symptoms of WTS (based on a 5-factor PCA of the original 20 visual analog scales)
 Factor 1: Fatigue Log-standardized 0.45±0.01; 404/444 0.46±0.01; 403/444 0.48±0.01; 375/444 0.01 (0.02, 0.05), 0.41 0.03 (0.00, 0.07), 0.09
 Factor 2: Irritability Log-standardized 0.46±0.01; 404/444 0.46±0.01; 403/444 0.48±0.01; 375/444 0.01 (0.02, 0.04), 0.60 0.02 (0.01, 0.05), 0.16
 Factor 3: Nausea and Dizziness Log-standardized 0.47±0.01; 404/444 0.47±0.01; 403/444 0.46±0.01; 375/444 0.00 (0.02, 0.03), 0.87 0.02 (0.04, 0.01), 0.19
 Factor 4: Sleep disturbance Log-standardized 0.46±0.01; 404/444 0.46±0.01; 403/444 0.48±0.01; 375/444 0.00 (0.02, 0.02), 0.96 0.02 (0.01, 0.04), 0.01
 Factor 5: Tinnitus Log-standardized 0.46±0.01; 404/444 0.46±0.01; 403/444 0.49±0.01; 375/444 0.00 (0.03, 0.02), 0.79 0.03 (0.00, 0.05), 0.09
Behavioral performance measures
 PVT reciprocal mean reaction time 1/s 3.78±0.08; 407/444 3.78±0.08; 412/444 3.79±0.08; 390/444 0.00 (0.05, 0.05), 0.99 0.01 (0.04, 0.06), 0.83
 Tower of London grand mean execution test s 10.4±0.6; 409/444 10.5±0.6; 414/444 10.2±0.6; 384/444 0.1 (0.4, 0.7), 0.64 0.1 (0.7, 0.4), 0.62
 Tower of London grand number of errors % 5.7±1.0; 409/444 5.9±1.0; 414/444 6.7±1.0; 384/444 0.2 (0.9, 1.2), 0.75 0.9 (0.1, 2.0), 0.08
 N-back—total number correct Count 40.4±1.6; 403/444 40.9±1.6; 411/444 41.5±1.6; 379/444 0.5 (0.2, 1.2), 0.20 1.1 (0.3, 1.8), 0.005
End-of-visit questionnaire
 Insomnia Severity Index (3-d modified) Points 5.1±0.8; 106/111 4.8±0.8; 106/111 7.2±0.8; 106/111 0.2 (1.4, 0.9), 0.68 2.1 (1.0, 3.3), <0.001
 Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale Points 53.6±1.1; 106/111 55.4±1.1; 106/111 53.6±1.1; 106/111 1.8 (0.2, 3.5), 0.03 0.0 (1.7, 1.7), 0.99
 Kessler-10 Points 13.9±0.6; 106/111 13.9±0.6; 106/111 13.9±0.6; 106/111 0.0 (0.8, 0.8), 1.00 0.1 (0.8, 0.9), 0.89
 Depression Anxiety Stress Scale–Depression Points 3.4±1.0; 106/111 3.3±1.0; 106/111 4.2±1.0; 106/111 0.1 (1.5, 1.3), 0.88 0.8 (0.6, 2.2), 0.24
 Depression Anxiety Stress Scale—Anxiety Points 2.4±0.5; 106/111 2.5±0.5; 106/111 3.0±0.5; 106/111 0.1 (0.8, 1.0), 0.83 0.6 (0.3, 1.5) 0.22
 Depression Anxiety Stress Scale—Stress Points 5.8±1.0; 106/111 5.1±1.0; 106/111 6.0±1.0; 106/111 0.8 (2.1, 0.5), 0.23 0.2 (1.1, 1.5), 0.76

Note: Actual/potential obs gives the amount of observed and recorded data being used by the mixed model compared with the potential number of observations (i.e., complete data) so readers can gauge how much missing data for each of the conditions the model is having to deal with. %, Percentage; alpha frequency band, 8–12 Hz; beta frequency band, 15–32 Hz; CI, confidence interval; delta frequency band, 0.5–4.5 Hz; HsCRP, highly sensitive C-reactive protein; N1, non-REM sleep stage 1; N2, non-REM sleep stage 2; N3, non-REM sleep stage 3; NREM, non-REM sleep; obs, observation; PCA, principal component analysis; PVT, psychomotor vigilance task (simple reaction time task); REM, rapid eye movement sleep; SEM, standard error of the mean; sigma frequency band, 12–15 Hz; theta frequency band, 4.5–8 Hz; TST, total sleep time; WTS, wind turbine syndrome.


Unit of measurement is the variable measured nmol/24h divided (adjusted) by the simultaneously measured creatinine (mmol/24h).