Primary registry and trial identifying number |, NCT05740150
Date of registration in primary registry |
07-09-2017 |
Secondary identifying numbers |
NTR6688 Netherlands Trial Register 12617 Dutch Cancer Society |
Source(s) of monetary or material support |
Monetary: Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) Material: Cablon Medical and TauroPharm |
Primary sponsor |
Princess Máxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology |
Secondary sponsor(s) |
Not applicable |
Contact for public queries |
Ceder Hildegard van den Bosch +31625395632 |
Contact for scientific queries |
Ceder Hildegard van den Bosch +31625395632 |
Public title |
Central line-associated bloodstream infection prevention using TauroLock-Hep100 in paediatric oncology patients. |
Scientific title |
The efficacy of a lock solution containing taurolidine, citrate and heparin for the prevention of tunnelled central line-associated bloodstream infections in paediatric oncology patients, a randomised controlled, monocentre trial. |
Countries of recruitment |
The Netherlands |
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied |
Central line-associated bloodstream infections |
Intervention(s) |
Experimental: TauroLock-Hep100 (taurolidine 1.35%, citrate 4%, heparin 100 IU/mL) Active Comparator: Heparin lock (heparin 100 IU/mL) |
Key inclusion and exclusion criteria |
Inclusion criteria:
Age between 0 and <19 years
Radiological, cytological or histological proven paediatric malignancy (hematologic, solid and neurological malignancies)
Tunnelled external central venous access device or totally implantable venous access port to be inserted at the Princess Máxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology
Planned central venous access device insertion of >90 days
Written consent signed according to local law and regulations
Parents/guardians or patient are willing and able to comply with the trial procedure
Exclusion criteria:
A previous central venous access device removed <12 months ago.
Expected treatment for a majority of the follow-up time in a different hospital than the Princess Maxima Centre for paediatric oncology in the first 90 days of inclusion resulting in difficulties/the inability to visit the Princess Maxima Centre at least once every 3 weeks.
Primary immunological disorder
Contra indications: known hypersensitivity to taurolidine, citrate or heparin and a history of heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia
Documented bacteraemia in the period from 24 hours before catheter insertion until inclusion
Insertion of the central venous access device at the same site as a previously confirmed central venous thrombosis
Pregnant, not willing to use adequate contraceptives or breast feeding
Study type |
Interventional Allocation: Randomised in 2 arms 1:1 Masking: Assessor blinded Primary purpose: Prevention |
Date of first enrolment |
27-10-2020 |
Target sample size |
462 |
Recruitment status |
Recruiting |
Primary outcome(s) |
Incidence of central line-associated bloodstream infections |
Key secondary outcomes |
Time to first central line-associated bloodstream infection
Central line-associated bloodstream infection incidence per 1000 central venous access device days
Incidence of symptomatic central venous thrombosis
Incidence of bacteraemia
Incidence of local infections
Dispense of thrombolysis/systemic antibiotic treatment due to central line-associated bloodstream infections/central venous thrombosis
Incidence of and reasons for central venous access device removal
Cultured micro-organisms causing central line-associated bloodstream infections
Days of hospital admission due to central line-associated bloodstream infections/central venous thrombosis
Safety in terms of known side effects, severe adverse events, intensive care unit admission and mortality rate due to central line-associated bloodstream infections/central venous thrombosis