a, Whole cell lysates of lung tumors isolated from KPL, KL, KrasG12D/+ (Kras), KrasG12D/+;
p53−/−(KP) and Lkb1−/−; p53−/−; Pten−/−(LPP) mice immunoblotted with the antibodies of GLUT1 and SP-C. b, Sample ID, genotype and histology of each tumor are listed. c, Correlation between %ID/g (tumor/heart) of 18F-FDG uptake and Complex I MRC of tumors from KPL, KL, Kras, KP and LPP mice (n = 30 tumors, n = 18 LUAD tumors and n = 12 LUSC tumors). One-tailed F-statistics. d–g, Correlation between %ID/g (tumor/heart) of 18F-BnTP (d,f) and 18F-FDG (e,g) uptake and MRC of Complex II (d,e) and Complex I+II (f,g) in tumors from KPL, KL, Kras, KP and LPP mice (n = 30 tumors, n = 18 LUAD tumors and n = 12 LUSC tumors). One-tailed F-statistics. h, MRC of Complex I and Complex II in frozen LUAD cells and LUSC cells from Kras, KL, KP, KPL and LPP mice (n = 30 tumors, 18 LUAD tumors and 12 LUSC tumors. Data are mean ± s.e.m., unpaired two-tailed t-test. i, MRC of Complex II in frozen xenografts from human cells (H1975, A549, A549 Rho, RH2 and Tu686); Data are mean ± s.e.m. (n = 3 biological replicates per cell line). One-way ANOVA, Dunnett test. j, Immunoblots of Complex I subunit (NDUFS1) and Complex II subunits (SDHA and SDHC) in whole cell lysates from LUAD (H1975, A549, A549 Rho), LUSC (RH2) and HNSCC (Tu686) cell lines. k, Transverse images of PET/CT probed with 18F-BnTP (right) and 18F-FDG (left) in subcutaneous xenografts implanted with A549 cells. Uptake of PET probe was measured by the maximum percentage of inject dose per gram (%ID/g). l, Coronal view of PET/CT overlayed images probed with 18F-BnTP (right) and 18F-FDG (left) in subcutaneous xenografts implanted with A549 Rho cells. Uptake of PET probe was measured by the maximum percentage of inject dose per gram (%ID/g).
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