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. 2023 Mar 9;4:1085511. doi: 10.3389/fragi.2023.1085511


Summary of intervention studies on the relationship between lifestyle intervention and oxidative stress biomarkers.

Author, year Country Age (years) Sample size and study design Intervention group Comparison group Duration Biomarkers of interests Main results
Bekkouche et al. (2014) (Bekkouche et al., 2014) Algeria 56 ± 8 a n = 102 84 MetS participants were randomly assigned to the MD, in addition to 30 min of physical activity per day 18 participants Control group (no intervention) 3 months Plasma: SOD, CAT The IG has significantly higher SOD and CAT levels as compared to the CG.
- two-armed
- parallel
Dong et al. (2019) (Dong et al., 2019) China 51.7 ± 4.9 a n = 121 60 Participants received diet and exercise guidelines, and frequent external support 61 Participants received the same treatment as the intervention group but had less frequent external support 6 months Serum
The IG group also achieved a greater sustained SOD increase and decrease in MDA as compared to the CG.
- two-armed
- parallel
Jaacks et al. (2018) (Jaacks et al., 2018) United States 51.4 ± 6.6 n = 30 Group1: 11 participants received MD 9 participants received a habitual high-fat American-type diet. 8 weeks Plasma: GSH Participants in the IG 1; Mediterranean diet arm (n = 11) had improved glutathione (GSH) levels compared to CG (n = 9) at both 4 and 8 weeks
Non-blinded-RCT Group 2: 10 participants received a habitual high-fat American-type diet supplemented with fish oil, walnuts, and grape juice
Luisi et al. (2019) (Luisi et al., 2019) Italy 52 ± 13.04 n = 36 IG had 18 overweight/obese participants who followed a low-calorie MD (Kcal 1,552 ± 160) 18 normal weight participants followed a typical MD (55%–60% carbohydrates, complex ones, 25%–30% polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, 15%–20% proteins) 3 months Plasma MDA MDA has significantly decreased within-group comparison after the intervention
non-randomized intervention study
Mc Geoch et al. (2013) (McGeoch et al., 2013) United Kingdom 60.9 ± 1.23 n = 27 IG 1: Oat-enriched diet standard type 2 diabetic diet. Baseline (t0) as a comparison group 16 weeks Plasma MDA There were no changes in the MDA levels in both the IG as compared to the CG.
Randomized crossover study IG 2: reinforced standard dietary advice for type 2 diabetics
Rameza-nipour et al. (2014) (Ramezanipour et al., 2014) Iran 19–50 n = 30 30 obese women were recruited in the study and went on a weight loss diet with an energy deficit of 500–1,000 kcal/day through a lower intake of macronutrients and a higher intake of fiber Baseline (t0) to 3 months within IG 3 months Plasma SOD, erythrocytes CAT SOD had no change, but CAT increased after 3 months as compared to baseline
Quasi-Experimental Study -no control groups
Sureda et al. (2016) (Sureda et al., 2016) Spain 55–80 n = 75 IG 1: 25 participants were giving MeDiet + EVOO
25 participants in the control group received no intervention 5 years Plasma
Plasma levels of SOD and CAT significantly increased in MeDiet + EVOO and MeDiet + nuts participants as compared to CG.
- three-armed
- parallel
Yadav et al. (2019) (Yadav et al., 2019) India 37.7 ± 6.3 n = 260 IG received YBLI, followed by interactive lectures/discussions on yoga, stress management, and nutrition, as well as individual lifestyle counselling Control participants received the dietary intervention 12 weeks SOD, MDA IG group showed a significant decrease in MDA and a significant increase in SOD levels as compared to baseline and a significant increase in SOD and a decrease in MDA levels as compared to CG.
- two-armed
- parallel

Abbreviations: IG, intervention group; CG, control group; BMI, body mass index; CAT, catalase; GSH, glutathione; MDA, malondialdehyde; SOD, superoxide dismutase; RCT, randomized controlled trial; MD, mediterranean diet; MetS, metabolic syndrome; MeDiet + EVOO: A Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil; MeDiet + Nuts: A Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts; YBLI, yoga-based lifestyle intervention.


Mean age.


Age in numbers.