Summary of observational studies on the relationship between lifestyle intervention and oxidative stress biomarkers.
Author, year | Country | Age (years) | Sample size and study design | Group one | Group two | Biomarker of interest | Main result |
Mirmiran et al. (2018) (Mirmiran et al., 2018) | Iran | 20–60 | 3-year Prospective longitudinal study | 1) HDP:High in fruits and dried fruits, olives, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish, and liquid oils | UDP: Carbonated drinks, fast food, salty snacks, mayonnaise, and organ meats | MDA | 1) HDP group showed a significant decrease in MDA levels as compared to the UDP group |
Abbreviations: MDA, malondialdehyde; HDP, healthy diet pattern; UDP, unhealthy diet pattern.