Table 2: SNP-by-age interaction for cross-sectional eGFR for the 12 identified variants.
For the 12 identified variants, we conducted SNP-by-age interaction analysis for cross-sectional eGFRcrea and eGFRcys in UK Biobank (excluding individuals from decline GWAS; n=351,462 for eGFRcrea, n=351,601 for eGFRcys; main age effect modelled non-linearly, main SNP effect linearly, age centered at 50 years). The interaction term (age effect and SNP effect modelled linearly) was judged at Bonferroni-corrected significance level (P<0.05/12=4.17×10−3). Beta-estimates are in mL/min/1.732 per year and per cross-sectional eGFR-lowering allele (which was equivalent to faster-decline allele for each SNP); significant P-values are stated in bold.
SNPID | Locus Name | EA/OA | SNP x age interaction eGFRcrea |
SNP x age interaction eGFRcys |
Beta | P | Beta | P | |||
A from GWAS/candidate search for decline (baseline-unadjusted) | ||||||
| ||||||
rs34882080 | UMOD-PDILT | a/g | −0.043 | 5.53×10 −22 | −0.045 | 2.37×10 −17 |
rs77924615 | UMOD-PDILT | g/a | −0.050 | 2.55×10 −29 | −0.054 | 6.59×10 −25 |
rs10254101 | PRKAG2 | t/c | −0.009 | 0.0263 | −0.015 | 9.84×10 −04 |
rs1028455 | SPATA7 | t/a | −0.014 | 2.19×10 −04 | −0.014 | 1.06×10 −03 |
| ||||||
B from GWAS for declineadj, with association for decline (baseline-unadjusted) | ||||||
| ||||||
rs1458038 | FGF5 | c/t | −0.013 | 7.11×10 −04 | −0.013 | 3.12×10 −03 |
rs4930319 | OVOL1 | c/g | −0.015 | 2.55×10−05 | −0.016 | 1.84×10−04 |
rs434215 | TPPP | a/g | −0.028 | 1.02×10 −10 | −0.033 | 5.02×10−11 |
rs28857283 | C15ORF54 | g/a | −0.010 | 5.09×10−03 | −0.006 | 0.148 |
rs13095391 | ACVR2B | a/c | 0.004 | 0.227 | 0.002 | 0.695 |
| ||||||
C from GWAS for declineadj, without association for decline (baseline-unadjusted) | ||||||
| ||||||
rs9998485 | SHROOM3 | a/g | −0.004 | 0.206 | −0.009 | 0.022 |
rs1047891 | CPS1 | a/c | 0.004 | 0.228 | 0.005 | 0.244 |
rs2453533 | GATM | a/c | 0.014 | 9.71×10 −05 | 0.002 | 0.722 |
SNPID=Variant identifier on GRCh37, Locus name=Nearest Gene, EA/OA=Effect allele / other allele, Beta and P=genetic effect and association P-value. The TPPP variant rs434215 is well-imputed in the UK Biobank (imputation quality=0.82).