Glutathione interferes with AGE formation even in the
absence of
DJ-1. (A) To determine the influence of free thiols on glycation reactions,
1 mM peptide 1 (Ac-LESRHYA) was allowed to react with
1 mM MGO and was then analyzed by LC-MS after subsequent or concurrent
treatment with DJ-1WT and/or glutathione (GSH) in 20 mM
phosphate buffer at pH 7.3 for 3 h at 37 °C. Distribution of
glycation adducts observed by LC-MS after (B) subsequent or (C) concurrent
DJ-1 and/or GSH treatment. Decreases in glycation were only observed
in concurrent, not subsequent, conditions. While the addition of either
GSH or DJ-1WT was able to reduce glycation during concurrent
incubations, there was also an additive effect where even greater
reductions in glycation were observed in the presence of both GSH
and DJ-1WT. Stacked bar graphs are plotted as mean ±
standard deviation for each mass adduct. A nondirectional (two-tailed)
one-way ANOVA using Dunnett’s multiple comparison test was
used to determine statistically significant differences in total glycation,
p < 0.0001(****) and p <