a, Heatmap of changes in chromatin accessibility around the
IL2RA locus. Each row is a different knockout, and each
vertical line is an ATAC-seq peak. Peaks with increased or decreased
accessibility are shown in red or blue, respectively. Changes in
IL2RA expression are shown at the left. b,
Changes in chromatin accessibility at specific putative CREs throughout the
IL2RA locus in CBFB, TNFAIP3, IRF4 and STAT5B knockouts.
ATAC-seq data are shown as normalized read coverage; samples were normalized
using the size factors from DESeq2. Examples of putative CRE dynamics that
differ between the knockouts are boxed. n = 3
donors for RNA-seq and ATAC-seq. chr, chromosome. See also Extended Data Figs. 3 and 4.