a,b, Representative flow cytometry density
plots for IL-2 (a) or CTLA4 (b) protein levels
after knockout of top screen hits. Knockout of hits that decrease target
levels are shown in blue, and knockout of hits that increase target levels
are shown in red. c,d, Summary of changes in IL-2
(c) or CTLA4 (d) levels measured using flow
cytometry. Screen hits selected for validation are displayed on the
y-axis ordered by their effect size in the pooled
CRISPR screen. For each knockout, bars show the average change in IL-2 or
CTLA4 median fluorescence intensity relative to non-targeting controls. Dots
show individual data points, and error bars show standard deviation across
two guide RNAs and three donors per guide RNA. Concordant changes between
the screen and validation that increase or decrease IL-2/CTLA4 levels are
shown in red or blue, respectively. Discordant changes are shown in grey.
The average insertion/deletion (indel) percentage at the genomic target site
across multiple donors for guide RNA 1
(n = 3) and guide RNA 2
(n = 2) is shown to the right.
e, Representative flow cytometry density plots for IL2RA
protein levels after cells are grown with exogenous IL-2 or without IL-2 +
blocking anti-IL-2 antibody. f, Knockout of top regulators of
IL2RA in cells cultured with exogenous IL-2 or without IL-2 + blocking
anti-IL-2 antibody. IL2RA median fluorescent values are normalized to AAVS1
control knockouts with exogenous IL-2 (black dashed line). Colored dashed
lines show the normalized IL2RA median fluorescent intensity averaged across
the AAVS1 control knockouts without IL-2 + blocking anti-IL-2 antibody in
each donor.