1. Identify Data sources |
Data at farm level through: |
- Extension worker visits |
- Drug bins collecting all medicinal products used |
- Questionnaires filled in by farmers |
2. Required information needed to calculate the quantity of each antimicrobial active substance used (numerator) |
Use data required: |
- Unique ID/name of the antimicrobial containing VMP (through daily recordings) |
- Number of packages or amounts used (daily recordings) |
- Amount of active antimicrobial substances in all VMPs used [using Indonesian Index of Veterinary Medicine (IOHI) provided by ASOHI (association for Veterinary Medicine in Indonesia)] |
- Age at treatment (daily recordings) |
3. Required information to calculate the size of population at risk of treatment (denominator) |
- Flock size (recorded at farm level through daily recordings) |
- Flock size at time of treatment (recorded at farm level through daily recording) |
- Assumed biomass (bodyweight) per animal (standard weight set through Cobb growth curve provided by Medion) |
4. Define data collection time windows as well as data lock points |
- Window data collection: mean period of one production cycle of 30 days on medium-scale broiler farms in Indonesia |
5. Determine how data should be provided |
- Manual input in written daily recordings |
6. Determine who should provide data |
- Farmer (for this study with guidance of an extension worker) |
7. Determine who can change the data |
- Extension workers (validation of data input by farmer required) |
- System operators in case of errors |
Requirements Data Analysis according to AACTING guideline
Answers in context of medium-scale broiler farms in Indonesia
1. Determine numerator for analysing the datas |
Numerator for Mass-based (mg/PCU) and Dose-based (TFUDDindo, TFDDDvet) was expressed in milligrams of administered active substance. Numerator for Count-based indicator (TFcount − based) was expressed in number of treatments (treatment being defined as a single-day treatment with one active substance) |
2. Determine the denominator quantifying the size of population of animals at risk |
Denominator for each indicator was expressed as: |
- Mass-based (mg/PCU): Standardized bodyweight (1.0 kg) multiplied by number of broilers present at treatment |
- Dose-based (TFUDDindo): standardized bodyweight (according to Cobb growth curve provided by Medion), multiplied by number of broilers present at treatment, multiplied by the calculated Used Daily Dose, multiplied by time period of 30 days |
- Dose-based (TFDDDvet): standardized bodyweight (according to Cobb growth curve provided by Medion), multiplied by number of broilers present at treatment, multiplied by the standardized Defined Daily Dose vet (calculated by EMA), multiplied by time period of 30 days |
- Count-based (TFcount − based): time period of 30 (days) |
3. Determine which AMU indicator best fits with the goal of the entire system and the AMU monitoring objectives |
Based on |
- Data collection capacity without the aid of extension workers on the farms within this study |
- Objective of quantifying AMU at farm level and benchmarking in a fair manner |
The AMU indicator best suitable for these study farms would be Count-based (TFcount − based) |