Figure 6.
HFD most strongly contributes to anxiety-like behavior in female mice. Canonical loadings of behavioral tests Open Field, Light–Dark, and Elevated Plus Maze tests, were computed using the RGCCA method, of which (A) the 1st canonical component that optimized correlation between anxiety behavior and HFD component of the treatment block. (B,C) The 2nd and 3rd canonical components were orthogonal canonical correlations of anxiety behavior and microbiome with E treatment and cohousing, respectively (n = 8/group). Color gradings depict the statistical significance levels of canonical loadings and whiskers show 95% CI (mean + SEM) which measure the significance and stability of the block-weight vectors on 1000 bootstrap samples. The direction (+/−) of canonical loadings depict the direction (+/−) of variable (anxiety, microbiome, treatment) correlations with canonical variates (anxiety, microbiome, treatment).