RNA-Seq analysis of the effects of PKCα activation and knockdown in epithelial cells. A, heatmap of the effects of PKCα activation or knockdown in the indicated cell lines. Only mRNAs that showed a significant effect of treatment with the PKCα agonist PMA for 2 h in IEC-18 cells and a significant effect of knockdown in at least one of the other cell lines are listed. Effects of PKCα activation in IEC-18 cells are based on Gö6976 inhibitable PMA activation. See Tables S1–S4 for a full list of mRNAs significantly affected by PMA treatment/PKCα knockdown and for numerical values of the effects. n.s., no significant effect of PKCα knockdown. B, relative expression of TGFβR1 mRNA in IEC-18 cells following the indicated treatments (2 h). C, relative TGFβR1 mRNA expression in cells transfected with the indicated siRNAs. HCEC, human colon epithelial cell; IEC-18, intestinal crypt-like cells; NT, nontargeting; PKCα, protein kinase C α; PMA, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate; TGFβR1, transforming growth factor-β receptor 1.