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. 2022 Jul 22;62(5):689–695. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.0264-22

Table 2.

Univariable Analysis for Overall Survival.

Category (units) Median (IQR) Criterion N Median survival time (95% CI) p value
Age (years) 75 (75-85)
<81 12 224 (79-621) 0.8
≥81 15 220 (62-680)
Sex Male 13 164 (73-345) 0.1
Female 14 411 (75-680)
ECOG PS 0-1 20 429 (164-680) 0.00001
≥2 7 79 (19-89)
FAB diagnosis AML 17 90 (73-429) 0.043
MDS RAEB-t 10 393 (130-898)
Karyotype Complex 11 90 (75-224) 0.212
Other 15 621 (62-680)
FLT3-ITD mutation Yes 1 62 (NA-NA) 0.515
No 4 84 (19-NA)
NCCN risk group Favorable 3 NA 0.105
Intermediate 10 621 (14-699)
poor 13 90 (73-224)
WT1 mRNA (copy/μgRNA) 58,000 (27,250-122,500) <47,000 3 130 (90-NA) 0.456
≥47,000 5 75 (62-NA)
BMI (kg/m2) 22.37 (19.14-23.78) <21.53 11 90 (62-345) 0.408
≥21.53 16 429 (90-680)
Azacitidine dose (%) 89.41 (78.67-94.06) <89.46 14 90 (73-345) 0.013
≥89.46 13 429 (90-699)
WBC (/μL) 3,400 (1,850-7,600) <5,600 17 224 (84-638) 0.202
≥5,600 10 130 (14-NA)
Neutro (/μL) 930 (585.5-1,938) <1,727 18 393 (84-638) 0.597
≥1,727 9 130 (14-345)
PB blast (%) 10 (3.25-38.75) <3 6 422.5 (19-NA) 0.639
≥3 21 220 (84-429)
Hb (g/dL) 7.9 (6.35-9.2) <7.8 12 147 (73-224) 0.144
≥7.8 15 429 (75-699)
RDW (%) 15.95 (14.55-17.575) <14.5 6 668.5 (89-NA) 0.031
≥14.5 20 220 (75-393)
Ret (%) 2.4 (0.9-4.65) <2 10 90 (14-NA) 0.326
≥2 17 393 (89-638)
Plt (/μL) 27,000 (18,000-65,500) <27,000 12 90 (19-345) 0.006
≥27,000 15 621 (84-699)
LDH (U/L) 279 (225-458) <279 13 429 (75-699) 0.099
≥279 14 164 (79-393)
Ferritin (ng/mL) 549 (302.45-815) <560 10 284.5 (62-638) 0.599
≥560 10 130 (19-NA)
CRP (mg/dL) 0.52 (0.19-1.95) <0.35 10 491.5 (14-898) 0.093
≥0.35 17 175 (79-429)
Bone marrow cellularity Hypercellular 5 429 (626-NA) 0.58
Normocellular 10 130 (14-638)
Hypocellular 8 422.5 (73-898)
NCC (104/μL) 5.6 (3.1-14.5) <16.8 18 393 (89-638) 0.301
≥16.8 5 84 (14-NA)
M:E ratio 1.32 (0.7-3.13) <0.88 8 411 (62-NA) 0.717
≥0.88 16 224 (89-680)
MegK (/μL) 13 (0-50) <19 12 638 (89-898) 0.019
≥19 11 90 (62-429)
BM blast (%) 39.4 (25.6-50.6) <40.4 13 393 (220-680) 0.07
≥40.4 11 84 (62-638)
BM mono (%) 2.9 (0.6-4.55) <1.6 8 621 (14-699) 0.553
≥1.6 16 224 (79-429)

IQR: interquartile range, N: number, CI: confidence interval, ECOG PS: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, FAB: French-American-British, AML: acute myeloid leukemia, MDS RAEB-t: myelodysplastic syndromes refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation, NA: not applicable, NCCN: National Comprehensive Cancer Network, WT1: Wilms tumor 1, BMI: body mass index, WBC: white blood cell count, PB blast: percentage of blasts in white blood cells, Hb: hemoglobin, RDW: red cell distribution width, Ret: percentage of reticulocytes, Plt: platelet count, LDH: lactate dehydrogenase, CRP: C-reactive protein, NCC: nucleated cell count in bone marrow, M:E ratio: ratio of maturing myeloid cells to erythroid cells in bone marrow, MegK: megakaryocyte count in bone marrow, BM blast: percentage of blasts in bone marrow, BM mono: percentage of monocytes in bone marrow

For continuous variables, the criterion was determined based on the maximum value of the Youden index for the receiver operating characteristic curve with the dependent variable being survival at 1 year. Univariate analyses were conducted with log-rank testing.