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. 2023 Jan 20;4(1):102048. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102048
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated albumin Sigma-Aldrich A9771-1G; MDL: MFCD00282182
Porcine skin gelatin Sigma-Aldrich G1890-500G; CAS: 9000-70-8
Ketamine (KetaVed) Vedco NDC: 50989-996-06
Xylazine (AnaSed) Akorn NDC: 59399-110-20
Paraformaldehyde, granular Electron Microscopy Sciences Cat#19210
Sodium hydroxide, pellets, ≥ 97.0% Sigma-Aldrich 221465-500G; CAS: 1310-73-2
Hydrochloric acid solution, 1.0N, bioreagent, suitable for cell culture Sigma-Aldrich H9892-100ML; CAS: 7647-01-0
Agarose Sigma-Aldrich BP1356-100; CAS: 56-40-6
Sodium azide, ≥ 99.5% Sigma-Aldrich S2002-100G; CAS: 26628-22-8
Sodium periodate, 99% for analysis Thermo Fisher Scientific 198381000; CAS: 7790-28-5
Sodium phosphate, monobasic DOT Scientific DSS23120-500; CAS: 10049-21-5
Sodium phosphate, dibasic anhydrous DOT Scientific DSS23100-1000; CAS: 7558-79-4
Sodium borohydride, powder, ≥ 98.0% Sigma-Aldrich 452882-25G; CAS: 16940-66-2
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Honeywell/Fluke 31457-500G; CAS: 1303-96-4
Boric acid Sigma-Aldrich B0394-500G; CAS: 10043-35-3

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

C57BL/6J mice
Age: Postnatal day 67; Sex: Male and female
Jackson Laboratory Strain #: 000664; RRID:IMSR_JAX: 000664
nNOS-CreER (B6;129S-Nos1tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zjh/J) mice
Age: 8 weeks old
Sex: Male and female
Jackson Laboratory Strain #: 014541; RRID:ISMR_JAX: 014541
Ai14 (B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J) mice
Age: 8 weeks old
Sex: Male and female
Jackson Laboratory Strain #: 007914; RRID:ISMR_JAX: 007914
PDGFRβ-Cre mice
Age: 8 weeks old
Sex: Male and female
Gift from Volkhard Linder Laboratory at the Maine Medical Center; Cuttler et al.6 N/A

Software and algorithms

Fiji/ImageJ Schindelin et al.7; RRID: SCR_003070
VasoMetrics ImageJ macro McDowell et al.8
Elastix Klein et al.9; RRID: SCR_009619
MATLAB Mathworks; RRID: SCR_001622
Python Python
Anaconda Anaconda
Ubuntu Canonical Ltd.
Spyder Spyder IDE
TensorFlow Google
STPT imaging reconstruction algorithm Wu et al.1 ZenodoData: and
Vascular tracing algorithm based on STPT imaging Wu et al.1 ZenodoData: and
Machine learning based cell counting algorithm Wu et al.1 ZenodoData: and and


Bottle-top vacuum filter (neck size = 45 mm, capacity = 500 mL, diameter = 75 mm, pore size = 0.2 μm) Thermo Fisher Scientific/Nalgene Cat#28199-307
Custom-made brain embedding platform Yongsoo Kim Lab N/A
Custom-made embedding molds (1 × 1 × 1 in.) Yongsoo Kim Lab N/A
Micro-Adson Forceps Fine Science Tools Item no. 11018-12
Graefe Forceps Fine Science Tools Item no. 11050-10
Fine scissors – large loops Fine Science Tools Item no. 14040-10
Surgical scissors – serrated Fine Science Tools Item no. 14007-14
Iris spatula Fine Science Tools Item no. 10093-13
Insulin syringe, U-100 Micro-Fine IV, 28 Gauge, 1cc, 1/2″ BD Biosciences Cat#329424
Hypodermic needle, precision glide needle only, 25 gauge, 1″ BD Biosciences Cat#305125
20× Olympus XLUMPLFLN20XW Objective, 1.00 NA, 2.0 mm WD Thorlabs Part number: N20×-PFH
TissueCyte 1000 TissueVision, Inc. N/A
Chameleon Ultra II Laser Coherent Serial: GDP.1117782.2667
Piezo amplifier/servo controller Physik Instumente (PI) E-665.S0
Stabilizer - laminar flow isolation system Newport S-2000
RS 2000 Optical Table Top - sealed hole table top with tuned damping Newport RS 2000
All-purpose super glue Krazy Glue KG92548R
Two-part epoxy and resin Gorilla Glue Cat#4200101
Superfrost microscope slides Fisher Scientific Cat#12-544-7
Neodymium magnets (10 × 4 × 2 mm) MIN CI 20120000
2-hole stainless steel injector blades for vibratome Lutz Part # I-015004
Peristaltic pump Ismatec Cat#EW-78018-02
Peristaltic pump Welch Model 3100