resolved FT-NLO enables excitation/detection correlations
in MoS2. (a) Steady-state emission spectrum of redox-exfoliated
MoS2 exhibits a large peak at 3.1 eV, as well as a broad
emission at lower energies, which are attributed to SHG and MPPL,
respectively. The emission spectra of the SHG (b) and MPPL (c) are
collected as a function of interpulse time delay to generate the spectrally
resolved interferograms. The interferograms are Fourier transformed
along the time axis to generate excitation/detection correlation maps
(d,e). These maps confirm that the signal at 3.1 eV is parametric,
due to the diagonal dependence of the signal (d), while the signal
at 1.9 eV is nonparametric and has no dependence on the excitation
energy (e). Adapted from ref (41). Copyright 2022 American Chemical Society.