miRNA sequences and annotation |
miRBase |
271 species, including humans |
2019 |
Central primary repository for the storage of miRNA annotation and sequence data
Nomenclature may differ according to the version of miRBase utilized, especially in the case of tools incorporating data from miRBase
[32,33,34,35] |
Rfam |
9 species, including humans |
2022 |
Allows users to submit a novel RNA family to ensure up-to-date annotations
Synchronization of the majority of miRNA families across miRBase, Rfam and RNAcentral is currently in progress.
[36,37] |
RNAcentral |
>800,00 species, including humans |
2022 |
A public resource capturing information on all non-coding RNAs, including miRNAs
Comprehensive and actively updated
[38,39] |
Target Discovery |
miRTarBase |
37 species, including humans |
2021 |
[40,41,42,43,44,45] |
TargetScan |
13 species, including humans |
2018 |
Can distinguish between different isoforms of a particular gene target during scoring
TargetScan conducts its own classification of miRNA families, based on the identical seed region, so the nomenclature can differ between databases such as miRBase
[46,47,48,49] |
DIANA-TarBase |
18 species, including humans |
2017 |
Places focus on experimentally validated MTIs across 18 species
Over 1 million entries, consisting of 670,000 unique, experimentally supported MTIs
Tedious interface layout when investigating reference links and MTIs
[50,51] |
miRDB |
5 species, including humans |
2019 |
[52,53] |
Human disease-related |
Humans |
2019 |
[54,55,56,57] |
OncomiR |
Humans |
2017 |
Clear walkthrough page with guidance for users, with all features clearly defined
Users are able to explore for data capturing almost 10,000 patients across 30 cancer types
[58] |
dbDEMC |
3 species, including humans |
2021 |
Offers analysis on additional species other than humans (mice and rats)
Currently, 40 cancer types and 149 cancer subtypes are captured
[59,60] |
Pathway-related |
DIANA-miRPath |
7 species, including humans |
2015 |
Unique reverse search module allowing for the identification of miRNAs enriched within a particular pathway
Offers analysis extended to a further list of species (humans, mice, rats, dogs, flies, worms and chickens)
Of the remaining tools described under this category, DIANA-miRPath represents the oldest updated tool
[61] |
miRPathDB |
2 species, including humans |
2018 |
Clear user-friendly layout, with clear explanatory notes and an available guide
Places focus on two species: humans and mice
[62,63] |
2 species, including humans |
2016 |
First resource to offer a tissue-specific filter
Three major pathways are integrated: KEGG, Wiki Pathways and Reactome
[64,65] |
SNP effect prediction |
PolymiRTS |
2 species, including humans |
2014 |
[66,67,68] |
Humans |
2020 |
Compared to PolymiRTS, it contains fewer available features on the web interface for users
MiRNASNP is kept continuously up to date
[69,70,71] |