Fig. 4. Characterization of P-SCLC developed by Trp53fl/fl;p16fl/fl;Nrf2+/+ and Trp53fl/fl;p16fl/fl;Nrf2E79Q/+ mice.
a IHC for markers of lung differentiation and for tumor suppressor and NRF2 expression in P-SCLCs from Trp53fl/fl;p16fl/fl;Nrf2+/+ and Trp53fl/fl;p16fl/fl;Nrf2E79Q/+mice,. Images were taken using a BX61-Neville microscope, scalebar=200μm; b IF staining for NE markers of the same tumors. Slides were imaged on the Vectra® Polaris Automated Quantitative Pathology Imaging System, scalebar=100μm.