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. 2022 Jul 14;44:e20200156. doi: 10.47626/2237-6089-2020-0156

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the measures over the three-time periods assessed in this study, by condition.

Measure DBT group (n = 34) Mean (SD) [change from pre-treatment as d] CBT group (n = 33) Mean (SD) [change from pre-treatment as d]
Pre-treatment Post-treatment Follow-up Pre-treatment Post-treatment Follow-up
GAD-7 19.46 (6.28) 12.22 (3.42) [0.92] 13.14 (4.33) [0.78] 16.41 (6.42) 7.43 (2.45) [0.84] 7.23 (2.50) [0.82]
BAI 31.27 (7.24) 15.89 (3.28) [0.95] 14.55 (4.36) [0.89] 32.31 (6.47) 7.94 (6.24) [0.77] 12.36 (6.27) [0.81]
BDI-II 14.62 (5.39) 8.46 (3.86) [1.07] 8.63 (4.74) [0.87] 13.46 (5.21) 6.11 (4.37) [0.76] 7.64 (4.52) [0.73]
TOL 18.00 (3.48) 29.19 (5.42) [0.85] 28.23 (3.36) [0.84] 17.92 (3.45) 24.03 (3.57) [1.23] 21.62 (3.28) [1.04]
Trials correct 68.57 (10.42) 86.30 (13.21) [0.87] 79.85 (15.74) [0.78] 65.83 (10.15) 71.86 (10.16) [0.74] 69.66 (10.23) [0.92]
Trial errors 59.43 (10.21) 42.69 (16.28) [0.75] 48.15 (11.16) [0.77] 62.17 (10.26) 56.14 (10.43) [0.72] 58.24 (11.64) [0.83]
Perseverative 27.88 (14.54) 14.31 (14.14) [0.74] 18.61 (9.25) [0.92] 38.68 (12.37) 23.62 (8.36) [0.79] 23.45 (7.26) [0.76]
Non-perseverative 31.12 (10.16) 27.69 (10.18) [0.82] 29.49 (10.13) [0.81] 23.32 (11.41) 32.38 (9.65) [0.65] 34.55 (12.46) [0.82]

BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory-II; CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; DBT = dialectical behavior therapy; GAD-7 = Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale; SD = standard deviation; TOL = Tower of London computerized task; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Task.