(a) Summary of the numbers of starter cells for each interneuron subclass. Each dot represents one individual experiment. (b) Laminar distribution of starter cells for each interneuron subclass. For each transgenic line, different experiments are indicated by different colors. Box plots show median and interquartile range (IQR). Whiskers show the largest or smallest value no further than 1.5 × IQR from the hinge (same below). The number of independent experiments included are as follows: Gad2: n=2; Ndnf: n=2; Pvalb: n=9; Sst: n=17; Vip: n=9. (c) Representative 3D visualization of brain-wide inputs to interneuron subclasses in VISp. (d) Overview of brain-wide inputs to different interneuron subclasses. (e-h) Layer-specific inputs of ipsilateral VISl to excitatory neurons in L2/3 (e, n=5 independent experiments), L4 (f, n=4 independent experiments), L5 (g, n=11 independent experiments) and L6 (h, n=8 independent experiments) of VISl and representative images of local VISl inputs. Starter cells are identified by the co-expression of dTomato from the AAV helper virus and nucleus-localized H2B-EGFP from the rabies virus.