Host specificity scores reveal microbial genus-specific humanization of captive NHP gut microbiotas. Shown are examples of two microbial genera that display evidence of humanization (a) or retention from the wild (b) in captive chimpanzees. Boxplots show the maximum, minimum, interquartile range, and median of BSD dissimilarities between wild chimpanzees and captive chimpanzees or between humans and captive chimpanzees. The logarithm of the host specificity score, calculated as the ratio of the means of boxplots within each panel, was <0 for Collinsella (a) and >0 for vadinCA11 (b), indicating humanization and retention from the wild, respectively. Boxes are coloured by primate species as in Figure 1. Significant differences between means based on permutation tests are indicated with asterisks; ***p = .001