Fig. 6. PSER129 interactome in mouse OB.
BAR-PSER129 was conducted on brain sections from WT and KO mice. A primary antibody omission control was conducted for each sample (“Neg”), where the samples were processed in the absence of the PSER129 antibody. a Spot blot of the captured proteins were probed for biotinylated proteins or alpha-synuclein. The resulting chemiluminescent detection is shown. b Samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Venn diagram depicts the overlap of identified proteins between samples. 125 proteins were identified exclusively in the BAR-PSER129 WT sample. c Alpha-synuclein identification in the BAR-PSER129 capture sample. Three high-confidence peptides (highlighted yellow) were identified. Spectrum from the most abundant alpha-synuclein peptide identified. (Denoted by an asterisk). d STRING analysis and MCL clustering of the 125 proteins identified. High-confidence functional interactions are shown (>0.7). Proteins lacking high-confidence functional interactions are not shown. Enrichment analysis was performed for each distinct STRING cluster and a consensus-enriched term(s) were manually annotated above each cluster. Protein nodes are colored for easy visualization of each cluster. Open-circle nodes indicate alpha-synuclein interactors previously identified in rat primary cortical neurons using in vivo proximity labeling methods24.