Fig. 1. Overview of the identified proteins in five wheat species.
a Grouping of proteins based on their presence in a certain number of cultivars across three environments. The capital letters on the x-axis denote groups of proteins. These groups correspond to the proteins that were expressed in all of the three environments in all 10 cultivars (A), in at least 9 (B), 8 (C), 7 (D), 6 (E), 5 (F), 4 (G), 3 (H), 2 (I) cultivars and in at least 1 (J) cultivar. Proteins belonging to group K were found in at least one sample. For further analysis, the proteins from group J were considered. b Number of proteins that are unique or common between species. c Grouping of the unique proteins (from Fig. 1b) based on their presence in a certain number of cultivars across three environments. The letters on x-axis have the same denotation as in Fig. 1a. CW, common wheat.