Effects of Photoreceptor Mutants on BDBT Foci and PER Localization in LD Cycles
Wild-type Canton S flies and mutant lines were harvested at the indicated times in LD (ZT, lights on from 0-12). Heads sections were treated with anti-BDBT and anti-PER antibodies, and the location of BDBT (broadly throughout the eye at high levels, fingers on the outside, broad low expression, or no expression) and PER (nuclear, cytosolic, or both nuclear and cytosolic) were tabulated after detection by confocal microscopy.
(A) Effects of cry mutants on BDBT and PER at ZT7 and ZT19.
(B) Effects of ninaE (Rh1) mutants on BDBT and PER localization at ZT7 and ZT19.
(C) Effects of arrestin mutants on BDBT and PER at ZT7 and ZT19.
(D) BDBT and PER localization in wild-type Canton S flies.
(E) The expression pattern of BDBT foci in eye sections was scored by observers blinded to sample identity for multiple images. The relative percentages showing no foci (none), low levels of broad expression, foci localized to the outer area of the retina (fingers), or high broad expression are shown. The samples labeled with “∗” showed statistically significant differences with the same genotype at the other time point (ZT7 vs ZT19) with p < 0.001, by a Mann Whitney U test (with continuity correction). (F) PER localization in eye sections was scored by observers blinded to sample identity. The relative percentages showing cytosolic, cytosolic and nuclear (both), or nuclear are shown. The samples labeled with “∗” showed statistically significant differences with the same genotype at the other time point (ZT7 vs ZT19) with p < 0.03, by a Mann Whitney U test (with continuity correction). The scale bars indicate 50 μm, and the number of sections analyzed for each bar on the plot is indicated inside the bar.