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. 2023 Feb 24;26(3):106191. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106191

Table 1.

Beyond climate leadership program overview

Modules Problem addressed Goals of session Session and home practice examples Transformative qualities/capacities (clusters) targeted
Module 1: Welcome
(Introduction and kick-off)
  • Taking ownership of the development journey

  • Onboarding to the learning platform, app, and collaborative software used

  • Getting to know and connecting with participants and trainers

  • Mindfulness-based practice “Breathing Space”

  • Group reflection about the personal motivation and understanding of leadership and sustainability

  • Awareness

  • Purpose

Module 2: Connect
(Opening the mind)
  • Lack of awareness due to perception errors and biases impacts the ability to relate to the climate crisis, nature, and us

  • Understanding how awareness is linked to sustainability

  • Learning how to cultivate openness, curiosity, and awareness, and to create space for habit change

  • Develop a more relational view of reality by spending time in nature, and by practicing attention and self-regulation

  • Mindfulness-based practice: Open, relational awareness (linking inner and outer dimensions)

  • Dyads and/or small-group reflections: barriers to habit change; how to create space for habit change

  • Guided nature walk (1): Connecting with one’s senses

  • Journaling

  • Awareness

  • Insight

Module 3: Open up
(Opening the heart)
  • Unawareness of emotions and their impact on our (in)activity.

  • Climate anxiety can negatively affect adequate and sustained engagement in pro-environmental actions across scales

  • Learning how to cultivate empathy, awareness, and resilience as a way to explore and regulate the full range of emotions relating to the climate crisis

  • Experiencing the intelligence of such emotions, and the connection to oneself, others, and nature as a whole

  • Mindfulness-based practices: body scan and gratitude meditation (linking inner and outer dimensions)

  • Guided nature walk (2): nature as a teacher.

  • Dyads and/or small-group reflections: emotions related to the state of the planet and our shared humanity

  • Habit change exercises (mindfulness and compassion as a way of living and acting in the world)

  • Journaling

  • Awareness

  • Connection

Module 4: Care
(Increasing care for oneself, others, nature)
  • Feeling overwhelmed/lacking confidence to address the climate crisis adequately (informed by a limited view of ourselves in relation to the collective and systems)

  • Learning how to cultivate perspective-taking and compassion

  • Experiencing how the relationship to internal and external events impacts well-being of oneself and the world at large

  • Compassion as a healing way to relate caringly to oneself and others

  • Mindfulness- and compassion-based practices: Compassion for oneself and others

  • Guided nature walk (3): state of the planet.

  • Dyads and/or small-group reflection: the nature of self/shared humanity.

  • Habit change exercises

  • Journaling

  • Connection

  • Insight

Module 5: Explore
(Finding one’s own role)
  • Gap in understanding of actions to address climate change

  • Lack of exploring and understanding the possibilities of becoming active within the work context

  • Further exploring one’s own purpose and potential role in effectively addressing climate change

  • Draft individual and group projects/breakthrough initiatives to be undertaken in the next two weeks

  • Mindfulness- and compassion-based practices: compassion for oneself, others, and nature; visioning exercise (purpose)

  • Guided nature walk (4): Further elaboration of one’s role in addressing the climate crisis

  • Dyads and/or small-group reflections: reflections on personal calling (agency)

  • Habit change exercises

  • Journaling

  • Linking all previous clusters

Module 6: Collaborate
(Embodying as new way of being, acting, and leading)
  • Lack of clarity about which actions may have most impact

  • Lack of understanding of integrative approaches that link inner and outer transformation

  • Developing the collaborative projects/initiatives based on universal, intrinsic values, and purpose

  • Complexity and systems thinking

  • Setting up the action lab

  • Supporting co-creation

  • Mindfulness- and compassion-based practices: compassion for oneself, others, the world at large

  • Guided collaborative ideation process (supporting systems and complexity thinking and co-creation)

  • Guided nature walk (5): visualizing one’s project coming to life.

  • Journaling

  • Linking previous clusters with agency

Module 7: Action lab
(Breakthrough initiatives; developing projects and a community of change)
  • Lack of network and community to sustain transformative actions

  • Action lab: defining concrete ways in which groups of participants aim to make a difference

  • Building a network of transformative and compassionate leaders

  • Mindfulness-based practice: gratitude

  • Action lab: prototyping and defining next steps

  • Journaling

  • Linking previous clusters with agency

All modules
(Linking individual, collective, and system transformation)
  • Sustainability crises

  • Climate change as an interconnected sustainability crisis

  • Fragmented approaches for individual, collective, and system transformation

  • Linking inner and outer transformation toward sustainability

  • Linking and adapting mindfulness practices with other practices for nurturing compassion, habit change, transformational leadership, systems and complexity thinking, and nature-based approaches

  • All clusters