Module 1: Welcome (Introduction and kick-off) |
Taking ownership of the development journey
Onboarding to the learning platform, app, and collaborative software used
Getting to know and connecting with participants and trainers
Module 2: Connect (Opening the mind) |
Understanding how awareness is linked to sustainability
Learning how to cultivate openness, curiosity, and awareness, and to create space for habit change
Develop a more relational view of reality by spending time in nature, and by practicing attention and self-regulation
Mindfulness-based practice: Open, relational awareness (linking inner and outer dimensions)
Dyads and/or small-group reflections: barriers to habit change; how to create space for habit change
Guided nature walk (1): Connecting with one’s senses
Module 3: Open up (Opening the heart) |
Learning how to cultivate empathy, awareness, and resilience as a way to explore and regulate the full range of emotions relating to the climate crisis
Experiencing the intelligence of such emotions, and the connection to oneself, others, and nature as a whole
Mindfulness-based practices: body scan and gratitude meditation (linking inner and outer dimensions)
Guided nature walk (2): nature as a teacher.
Dyads and/or small-group reflections: emotions related to the state of the planet and our shared humanity
Habit change exercises (mindfulness and compassion as a way of living and acting in the world)
Module 4: Care (Increasing care for oneself, others, nature) |
Learning how to cultivate perspective-taking and compassion
Experiencing how the relationship to internal and external events impacts well-being of oneself and the world at large
Compassion as a healing way to relate caringly to oneself and others
Mindfulness- and compassion-based practices: Compassion for oneself and others
Guided nature walk (3): state of the planet.
Dyads and/or small-group reflection: the nature of self/shared humanity.
Habit change exercises
Module 5: Explore (Finding one’s own role) |
Mindfulness- and compassion-based practices: compassion for oneself, others, and nature; visioning exercise (purpose)
Guided nature walk (4): Further elaboration of one’s role in addressing the climate crisis
Dyads and/or small-group reflections: reflections on personal calling (agency)
Habit change exercises
Module 6: Collaborate (Embodying as new way of being, acting, and leading) |
Developing the collaborative projects/initiatives based on universal, intrinsic values, and purpose
Complexity and systems thinking
Setting up the action lab
Supporting co-creation
Mindfulness- and compassion-based practices: compassion for oneself, others, the world at large
Guided collaborative ideation process (supporting systems and complexity thinking and co-creation)
Guided nature walk (5): visualizing one’s project coming to life.
Module 7: Action lab (Breakthrough initiatives; developing projects and a community of change) |
All modules (Linking individual, collective, and system transformation) |
Sustainability crises
Climate change as an interconnected sustainability crisis
Fragmented approaches for individual, collective, and system transformation
Linking and adapting mindfulness practices with other practices for nurturing compassion, habit change, transformational leadership, systems and complexity thinking, and nature-based approaches